awesome random quotes

The only way to fight death is to live - Leigh Daniel Avidan

I found this quote while looking through the CD booklet of NSP's new cover album. I think it's actually kind of inspirational actually, even if it is just an actual fact. But it's like... you actually have to fight it. You actually have to do things.

I guess I forget that sometimes :XD:
Thanks to @yuki.n

"There are 6 causes of burnout, only 1 of them is overwork"

A long established ISP in Australia had a representative post in a public forum today:

We've implemented some improved handling guidelines for email support and one of them is that a problem doesn't get closed until it's fixed.
Thanking someone whose posts are devoid of facts:

You know the benefit to you consistently posting rubbish X? Y gets in here and posts something worth reading and we're all a little more intelligent thanks to his efforts. Without your the vast amount of misinformation you've historically posted there's no way that we would of had the opportunity you've granted us for Y to actually present accurate and factual information
Not sure if I have posted this here or not yet, but my Aunt said this on one of our car rides some time ago, and it was while we were talking about inventions:

"I wish I could invent sh!t!" lol She just said so nonchalantly that I can remember it so clearly.
"I love this city, the lights, the windows. I love that behind every window there is a story, a woman making dinner for her boyfriend, parents playing with their children." -Supergirl