A AYYX HA! I live in her CLOSET! Jul 22, 2011 #1,481 Only to get them blown again... they can always re-bomb what I've built... Art thou evil?
A Alphard Sokaina Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,482 Alphie is the kindest creature in the world! Can you read Latin texts?
P Pontianak Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,485 Learning is something I'm always game for. Can you enlighten me as to what the chemical shorthand formation for fluorine, uranium, carbon and potassium would be?
Learning is something I'm always game for. Can you enlighten me as to what the chemical shorthand formation for fluorine, uranium, carbon and potassium would be?
S Special_K Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,486 Easy! But...why would you want me to? Don't you know how to use Google?
P Pontianak Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,487 Well, now, that would ruin my good fun. I couldn't do that. Would you be so kind as to sign a contract with me?
Well, now, that would ruin my good fun. I couldn't do that. Would you be so kind as to sign a contract with me?
S Special_K Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,488 It depends on what you wish for. Do you know what the contract entails?
P Pontianak Guest Jul 22, 2011 #1,489 That depends on whether all the font is visible. Do you have an opinion on anything?
O OOOyeh Guest Jul 23, 2011 #1,490 some times but i rather not comment on things or situation unless its necessary Do you often annoy people?
some times but i rather not comment on things or situation unless its necessary Do you often annoy people?
S Special_K Guest Jul 23, 2011 #1,492 I suppose I'm not called the "Noisemaker" for nothing. Can you make yourself heard in a crowd of 10000?
I suppose I'm not called the "Noisemaker" for nothing. Can you make yourself heard in a crowd of 10000?
Z ZoaKaizer Guest Jul 23, 2011 #1,493 if i use megaphome can u tell us how often do you make this expression in real life ? ---->
O OOOyeh Guest Jul 24, 2011 #1,494 Is that even a yes or no question well for sure not at all have you been smoking?
O OOOyeh Guest Jul 25, 2011 #1,499 at times i do but other times when it comes to tell people i hate it. because they find it hard to say it. Are you addicted to alcohol and smoking?
at times i do but other times when it comes to tell people i hate it. because they find it hard to say it. Are you addicted to alcohol and smoking?
M murrue02 Guest Jul 25, 2011 #1,500 i have allergies on alcohol and smoking is just so do you love staring at the clouds?