Animelo Summer Live 2019 - Aug 30,31 & Sep 01
アニサマ2019 BDの映像は全アーティスト、全楽曲、MC、バックステージ含めようやく完成!(実は2-3つチェックバックがあったりするけど)今年の長いサマーも一区切りです。一緒に頑張ってくれたスタッフにも感謝。ヘッドフォンもボロッボロになってしまったので年が明けたら新しいのを買おうそうしよう
After my copies of the Animelo Summer Live 2019 blu-rays were returned to CD Japan I asked if I could receive a refund or credit rather than get them shipped to me as I had bought another set of the blu-rays in the meantime.

CD Japan replied yesterday that they could do either of a credit or a refund so I will proceed with a credit and buy a few other new titles.

Very good service from CD Japan to offer both a refund or credit for goods that were returned by Japan Post.