Anime "Once Upon A Witch's Death" ED 「花咲く道で」produced by Yuki Kajiura sung by Aoi Teshima

^ So the digital release only has the song and nothing else ?

Coverart (from official page)


Yea just the song
by the link seems like the product code is VE3WT-11596

@grunty: I think the logic behind digital singles is money saving, and less discs for people to collect, and also gone is the era of 5 different edition for each single that was so much work for me and challenging for the wallet of those who wanted both instrumental and anime edit. Also with AI stuff like lalalai people can now easily make their own instrumental, and anyway its just a decition away to sell the instrumentals / karaoke along with the song.

Just noticed they have added subs to the trailer
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No shit it costs less to release something digitally. No shit it costs less to NOT RELEASE something extra, like an instrumental for which you would likely need to pay the performers & authors again as a separate track.

As for the rest of your post that is directed at me, I am disgusted. Fuck your AI.
I didnt direct anything towarda you, you misunderstand. I just tried to understand the reasoning of why they do not release normal singles but digital ones.
You are trying to justify not releasing instrumentals with your trash AI.
(And I do think it is also preposterous to suggest an artist or music studio would use that as reasoning but that's besides my point.)

Might as well not release any soundtracks if people are happy with AI results.

So... fuck your AI.
I just recognise its better than anything a non experienced person like me could do with audacity until few years ago. I Dont know why they stopped physical singles. My sentences were just speculation. And i didnt mean to hurt you in any way. Im sorry.
btw my two cents: lalai is not free and a scam (like any other "free" AIs). much better free alternative out there. and not a justification for not including instrumentals because the vocals are recorded in separate channels. it's stupendously easy and yet...
So better option to release 1 single edition with everything inside instead of 5 different and everyone will be happy. They ll get more sales because more affordable too.
Did you purchase JUNNA's Umi to Shinju instrumental? Or See-Saw's Sarigiwa no Romantics instrumental?

@george1234 I can still see you here. Please answer.
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Sorry i was sleepy earlier. I ll buy those and much more once i have a new job soon .FYI i dont have any AI subscription either i just use the sample they give to make out some lyrics and some of those were impossible to hear before no matter how much we tried like in Berculi bgm of SAO or in Yui Makino Synchronicity.

I never intended to make you irritated and feel bad. I always appreciate your work with those unreleased BGMs and everything else you do.

You see Aoi Teshima's site, she is mainly selling throu streaming services (she has those links even before her own profile pic). Those seem to be what mainly hurts the disc sales. I think in Japan this started with covid lockdowns and its now more mainstream. Sadly once people get used to the easy way its hard to have them do things the hard way again.
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Please, guys, calm down.

According to the trend, the best we can do is to get used to those soulless digital singles.
I'm surprised because I attributed this "practice" to Sony rather than JVC, but it seems that we're not free from the sin.
Sorry i was sleepy earlier. I ll buy those and much more once i have a new job soon .
OK, those instrumentals are exclusive to physical CDs so you did not buy those physical singles.

I Dont know why they stopped physical singles.

Mind you, I am not trying to judge you or guilt trip you into buying anything. There is no denying that it is expensive to a consumer, even more so when importing. It is up to you how you (or anyone) spend your hard earned money. Nor am I claiming that I have purchased literally everything from Kajiura's discography, physical or digital that was available to me (that's another issue, too) - I absolutely have not. There's stuff available that I do not care to own and I also have some self-imposed rules for my digital spendings. I am not rich. There is however many things that I could not buy at the time of release and is no longer available but I am dying to obtain in a manner that _I find_ meaningful (not 2nd hand).

What I am trying to point out is that your whole @grunty section was stupid. From the "it costs less to do digital" (NO SHIT), to AI, to "don't know why they stopped physical singles" (BECAUSE YOU DO as you admitted to not buying it). Everything related to music costs money (from everyone's time, talent to distribution). If money isn't made on one thing, there eventually is no money or reason to bother with the next thing.