^ They actually HAD monitors in that live? Well, that's...surprising :omg:
^Check happy grunty's first post. It has a picture of the show, and it clearly shows the earpieces.
^ Oh, I see it, thanks! I downloaded the audio before grunty-san changed his post, so I didn't catch it before.

Gotta admit, that's surprising. I always figured that their biggest pitch problems were caused by them being deafened by the if that's not the case, then all three of them have their own personal singing problems that they haven't yet overcome :ayashii:

Well, as I've said, I don't think they're singing that badly, but it does make me understand now why they use Studio Magic all the time :ohoho:

@KP-X: Agreed. I'm not silly enough to expect perfection, but there is only so much I can take.

I'd also like to add that what bothers me about Kalafina lives is not that "they don't sound that bad compared to other times, this is a pretty typical performance for them". I gave them slack when they first started out, but this is ridiculous.

For a group that has stated it will never be an idol group and is all about the music, I expect much better performances than this one. For a group where each member had to audition and considers itself a professional vocal unit, I expect better singing. For a group that has been around for four years and spends most of its time working together, I expect better blending.

I have heard lesser-known musicians, who sing hard songs while playing instruments and still sound good. Whose lives were uploaded on Youtube (crappy quality) with cameras that were already of crappy quality. If Kalafina's incapable of upping their live game, I'd rather have an indie band that can pull off a performance to take their place.

So no, I'm not going to lower my standards. I'm not going to accept these constant sub-par performances and think to myself, "Oh, this is what they usually sound like, I'll settle for this." I'm going to loosely quote grunty here (very reluctantly, but I think he has a point): "If they can't sing live, then they shouldn't do so until they can."
^ I... actually agree with this, very much, especially the second paragraph. There's no reason for professional singers not being able to sing. I mean, it's in the job name, isn't it?

I don't know, though. :spotlight: High standards are usually seen as a bit ridiculous to have, but I don't think there's any reason for people not to want to better themselves to meet those high standards.

Aw i missed the downloads. My school's internet is so shitty.

I know they can sing, but i do wonder what might be the cause of their bad performances.

I kinda wish they would disband for a year so they can get more singing lessons... specially Wakana so she can improve her high notes and her vibrato.
Re: Re:

stormy panda said:
On an unrelated note, if there were any other artists that performed on that event,

Other than May'n who did the opening and ending numbers Shuhei Kita was the other special performer. :sparkleguy: He was way worse than our girls but he's doing a different kind of songs so I dunno. :blood:
Is it common for Kalafina lives to be, as Winter said, "sub-par"? Because one or two bad live shows can be excused, since the average performance is good, but... I've only ever heard edited versions of Kalafina, so I don't know what the average quality is like. I don't think it's ever acceptable to just settle for something "sub-par" just because that's how they usually perform, especially if the possibility of doing a lot better is there. I don't really think it's high standards to want and expect to see a professional singing group singing well.

Am I even making sense? :spotlight:
Here's Shuhei's performance from the same show ?kpi262y327wt5c9 :plot:

Way more fail than Kalafina. :knife: :ohoho:
wait, those are audio rips from the tv show right ? if the audio rips are available, is that mean there is also the video rip of the whole show ? :stars:

see them perform live again would be awesome :dote:

Pontianak said:
Is it common for Kalafina lives to be, as Winter said, "sub-par"?

I know someone who has listened to enough performances that they've given up on expecting Kalafina to sound good live.
^ While some others (not me) have attended lives of them and liked them. I think its something like a Russian Roulette, 2 times good 4 times bad :ayashii:
@george Well, something doesn't have to be good for people to like it... I know quite a lot of people who like things that are [generally] of substandard quality; the manga BLEACH, for example.

@winter I see.

Thank you both for answering. I kind of want to listen to every unedited live they have ever performed and calculate the percentage chance of them delivering a decent performance.


george1234 said:
^ While some others (not me) have attended lives of them and liked them. I think its something like a Russian Roulette, 2 times good 4 times bad :ayashii:
This is the case for me though. I've been to a few of their lives (both one-man and mixed) and sometimes they sound good in some songs, and sometimes they sound bad in some songs, although I've never found that they were all good or all bad throughout an entire live. :confu:

One thing is definite though. The girls are NOT consistent. Well, not that I mind and it's one of those few times where I'm glad I'm tone deaf. :XD:
A relatively bad comparison, maybe, but... I think a professional singer performing a live show is sort of like a professional medical surgeon performing a major surgery. Both of them have jobs that will probably entail such a thing at one point, but - loosely quoting Grunty, since they put this rather aptly - "they shouldn't do it unless they know how".

The girls are NOT consistent.

Perhaps their performances change depending on how hard they've been working, or how tired they are, and that's what causes the inconsistency. That shouldn't be the case, though...

Pontianak said:
but - loosely quoting Grunty, since they put this rather aptly - "they shouldn't do it unless they know how".

Whoa! Preposterous! I would NEVER say such a thing! :knife:

ZoaKaizer said:
wait, those are audio rips from the tv show right ? if the audio rips are available, is that mean there is also the video rip of the whole show ?

Well I have the video but am having a hard time encoding it to a smaller filesize so... :uh..:
Okay, given the fact that everything started here, I'm going to post here. I know this is basically off-topic, sorry :bow:

This entire thing with the unedited Kala performance has made me honestly curious: why is grunty-san still on this forum? He's made it clear (at least to me) that he doesn't like the majority of Kajiura-sensei's new works as well as most new Kalafina songs; although that his criticism is at times valid (like in this topic), the fact remains that his posts are usually criticism. (Aside from his latest posts, which I personally don't find funny - but that's because my sense of humor is different than others', which has been proven in other places other than this forum.)

Of course, he and I have very different opinions - he seems to enjoy Shikata Akiko's music, while I personally don't like it - but it simply seems illogical to me for someone to stay involved with a fandom that they have no interest in or just don't enjoy anymore.

I have various tastes in music, and I'm not a blind fan of Kalafina or Kajiura-sensei who'll adore any piece of music they put out, no matter its quality or lack thereof. (I also am not implying that anyone here is!) I have my favorite and least favorite songs, my favorite and least favorite vocalists, and my pet peeves about Kajiura-sensei's composition that I wish she'd stop doing. So I'm not criticizing grunty-san for his criticism of the music - I'm just honestly wondering why he stays in this section of the forum simply to say that he doesn't like this or that new release!

No offense meant by this post. I'm just honestly curious. :bow:
ninetales-sama I'm sure this was discussed before and probably wouldn't be too difficult to find using the search. :shy: