Ali project

Love the album.

My only complaint, which is not that unusual for their tracks, is that sometimes an intro to a song feels like a different track that I'd really like to hear in full.

Case in point
I love this whole song but I'd also like to hear the intro track. :|
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Newly posted: ALI PROJECT「わが﨟たし悪の華」Music Video
and 6 other videos: ALI PROJECT「愛と誠」Music Video ALI PROJECT「勇侠青春謳」Music Video ALI PROJECT「亡國覚醒カタルシス」Music Video ALI PROJECT「快恠奇奇」Music Video ALI PROJECT「波羅蜜恋華」Music Video ALI PROJECT「鬼帝の剣」Music Video


◆ 『天気晴朗ナレドモ波高シ』初回限定盤(TKCU-78120)/定価:\5,800(税込)
◆ 『天気晴朗ナレドモ波高シ』通常盤(TKCU-78125)/定価:\3,100(税込)

Limited Edition
CD(10tracks)+DVD(2022年02月05日 豊洲PIT LIVE「30th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2022 BelleÉpoque」より)
Regular Edition
CD(11tracks including bonus track「GOD DIVA ~ 2022A級Live version」)

Other confirmed track titles:

Don't know if this "GOD DIVA" bonus track is an actual live recording or a studio recording of a live arrange. I hope for the latter.

Interesting they are advertising this as the second 30th anniversary album after 2021's Belle Epoque. Looking forward to this new album as usual. Belle Epoque was great.

Aside from the album, there's also this song 「誰ソ彼パピヨン回廊」 that's getting released on Dec 14 but it's not something that particularly excites me.
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Sounds great. Like only track#8 sounds meh, by which I mean it's one of those tracks that's on every album that they maybe should've held back 'til another strings or orchestral arrange album.
Dafuq at NON HUMAN. Love it.

GOD DIVA sounds like a live recording. Eh. :/ I usually prioritize studio recording bonus tracks when choosing between Regular and Limited editions (I probably got two albums in both versions) so maybe I'll get the DVD version this time. Wish I could order it immediately but it's going to have to wait til PARADE or a lil after.
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My copy won't arrive before PARADE but

-hurr deleted-

I really wouldn't mind a full ALI PROJECT album in this NON-HUMAN direction.
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Back to exploring my shit taste. Finally got the latest album with my PARADE order.

I kinda wish I knew Japanese (and had more cultural knowledge) so I could tell if the last two songs on this album are in any way significant... Particularly the title track that ends the album... It's... so weird... Well, I guess there's also the instrumental closer which is actually quite atmospheric when the synth strings aren't in the forefront...

Other than that, I think I prefer Belle Epoque since it feels more free and lighthearted but I still quite like the first 7 songs on this one. I can definitely see myself returning to the opener 絶途、新世界ヘ as well as NON-HUMAN and STILL ALIVE. I probably wouldn't skip the others either (the intro to #03 is sick, shame the song wasn't actually in that mood). I was actually ready to write off the 7th track as a meh lullaby when it started but it pulled me back in as it went on, only for the album to then lose me again on the last two songs like I mentioned at the start, lol.

Wish I could link some songs but their official uploads tend to be one album behind on digital and I think TKMA took down channels that uploaded this album, lul. Sampler link is above.

Edit: Oh yea, forgot to say the intro to the first track is pretty much a Kajiura SFX track from Fate/Zero, lol. Like if one somehow took elements of evacuation and nervous.
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ALI PROJECT writing character songs for CODE GEASS pachislot. Wish they came with instrumentals.

I quite like this one although the sound/mixing feels weird... (Kallen/Ami Koshimizu)

I like Yukana's quite a bit, too. At some points it's a decent impression of Arika's voice, too. XD (C.C./Yukana)

And here's the theme song from another pachinko from last year: (ALIPRO proper)
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  • New Album
    ・誰ソ彼パピヨン回廊(スマホゲーム「誰ソ彼ホテル Re:newal」主題歌:初CD化)
    ・聖少年遊戯(スマホゲーム「あんさんぶるスターズ!」キャラクターソング by Valkyrie(声優ユニット)⇒ALI PROJECTによるセルフカバー新レコーディング)
    ・BLACK ROSE(セガ・ゲーム「BLACK ROSE-maimai-」主題歌 by S!N・+α/あるふぁきゅん⇒ALI PROJECTによるセルフカバー新レコーディング)
    他新曲5曲:「若輩者」「若気の至り」等 全10曲

    2021年1月23日豊洲PIT LIVE「ALI PROJECT 2021〜新春A級ヒットパレード」

  • ■「若輩者」(通常盤)

    [CD]初回限定盤同内容10曲+ボーナストラック1曲(人気曲「狩猟令嬢ジビエ日誌」を新タイトル「幸福の王子」にて歌詞違いによるリメイク) 全11曲

From what they listed here, this seems to be mostly (well, in half so far lol) a BEST album with previously digitally released tie-in songs (sort of shockingly because it's on TOKUMA label) as well as self-covers of songs that they produced but Arika didn't sing. (Would be nice if those new geass pachislot songs that I linked above were selfcovered here, too, but I guess they would've listed them already?)

According to the description the bonus track on the regular edition is a re-make of
from their Keraku no Susume album but with new lyrics and title ?Koufuku no Ouji?/The Happy Prince (Not sure if new arrangement...)

If I ain't broke, I guess I have something to order Twisted Wonderland OST with.
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slightly bigger profile picture

Not really my favorite of Arika's photoshoots. I'm not sure what the inspiration was but I'm getting some (Flintstones) Bedrock bad bicth realness... lol.

Don't like how empty on the left the regular one seems either.
ALI PROJECT writing character songs for CODE GEASS pachislot. Wish they came with instrumentals.

I quite like this one although the sound/mixing feels weird... (Kallen/Ami Koshimizu)

I like Yukana's quite a bit, too. At some points it's a decent impression of Arika's voice, too. XD (C.C./Yukana)

And here's the theme song from another pachinko from last year: (ALIPRO proper)
I can't believe I'm only checking this out now. Really love the Yukana one, it does sound like Arika at some parts. The Ami Koshimizu's one sounds like it was mixed with the intent of emulating the 90s (?) if that's even a thing lol. It's just the impression I got, I feel oddly reminiscent of Clamp School Detective somehow. Maybe that's because it's the first 90s CLAMP anime that came to mind and Ali Project did make a song for that show.
01. 爆烈勇侠外伝 // Pachinko Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion theme song
02. 若輩者
03. BLACK ROSE // selfcover of BLACK ROSE-maimai- theme song
04. 反國陰謀ディストピア
05. 聖少年遊戯 // selfcover of Ensemble Stars! character song
06. 若気ノ至リ
07. 誰ソ彼パピヨン回廊 // Game TASOKARE HOTEL Re:newal theme song
08. 美しき獣たちの為の // Movie Code Geass - Lelouch of the Re;surrection insert song
09. 日本弥栄
10. 含羞草(ねむりぐさ)(instrumental)
Regular Edition bonus track:
11. 幸福の王子 // rewrite/selfcover of their own 狩猟令嬢ジビエ日誌 from Keraku no Susume album

Seems like the rest of the album is original.
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sampler for the album (wonder why TOKUMA didn't put it on youtube? At least yet...)

In all honesty this seems like a pretty tame album with no standouts. I'm sure I'll enjoy most of it, since I like ALIPRO, but it's surprisingly 1note.

The bonus track, Kofuku no Ouji, keeps the same old "Shuryou Reijou Gibier Nisshi" instrumental rather than being a new arrange. I wonder if there's a reason for new lyrics - did the old ones age badly? Hmm...
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Man, I think I take back everything I wrote above after hearing the sampler. This ?Jakuhaimono album is so fun.

BLACK ROSE is sooOOOooo much better with Arika's vocals than the game version. DISTOPIA is wild.
若輩者 feels like a chill mixture of old tracks (Traumend op for verses but refrain I can't pinpoint rn).
若気ノ至リ is fun but I don't know how I feel about the Korobushka insert, lol - it just feels so completely random.

The only two I'm not feeling as of now are 聖少年遊戯 and 日本弥栄 (do like the extended instrumental bridge). They feel a little too hectic to me and like continuously throwing the same shit at the wall if it maybe sticks. Both songs are constantly on the same level of noise. I imagine I'll get used to them, since I can't say the album's opener Geass pachinko song isn't constantly loud and hectic either and yet I like that one...

As far as 狩猟令嬢ジビエ日誌/Kofuku no Ouji goes - the new instrumental mix is nice but it's still the same track so... eh? Really curious why they wanted new lyrics for the track.
ALIPRO's 2023 album 天気晴朗ナレドモ波高シ ("Tenki Seirou Naredomo Nami Takashi") should now be available digitally everywhere - at least I see it on itunes and qobuz outside of Japan.


These may be the two tracks I go back to the most from this album. Followed by 絶途、新世界ヘ and 瓦礫ノ子守歌 for top4.

If anyone cares 2005's "Dilettante" is available at a decent price (under 2k) at with supposed 3 copies left. (I'm saying "supposed" because I feel like the old albums from Tokuma pop up every now and then, even after they had disappeared... I only got "Aristocracy" very recently...)

"Dilettante" youtube upload:
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