Akiko Shikata

I was going through my stuff and remembered that a short version of Tenchi Kaibyaku was released last Comiket.

Edit: Samples up on the product page/twitter. I don't know why they made a new youtube account for it instead of using Shikata's "official" one...

Edit: It's out.
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I really like
1) Tsukiyo ni Moratoriam
2) Kokongakon
3) douyou kitan ~ketsu~ tooryanse hotaru koi zuizui zukkorobashi kagome kagome

I kinda liked
1) Yomosugara Teiryuujo

I'm kind of conflicted on the others.
Here's a "new" song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo2zA3v9D70

I think I'm done again. It's just not the same... Or should I say IT actually IS the same unfortunately and I'm not feeling the same excitement... :( So ya, unless there's something really good or someone else bumps the thread... I'm out.
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I bought "星詠~ホシヨミ~ Ar tonelico Hymmnos concert Side 蒼" secondhand on a recent trip.

A bit more accessible than Ali Project for me.
I had the opportunity to get most of the .hack//Roots soundtracks cheap so did so (hence more Ali Project), and the Ar tonelico Hymnos album looked interesting.
Both are great. :) It's been so long since the last ALIPRO/Katakura soundtrack (which I do believe was Kaibutsu Oujo, a year after Roots)...