I have reached Yuki nirvana
Just a few more hours hnggggggggggggggggggg.
Inb4 not Kajiura hue.
Inb4 not Kajiura hue.
Pretty much. SAO and Deemo done with their announcements. Vanitas is the only thing I can search up that might be linked to Kajiura in rumors but that happens lol....inb4 no Kajiura news this AnimeJapan.
Honestly I was expecting at least date release and the theme song kind of overused I'm starting to hate the song alr. And the animation isn't that impressive to begin with so I'm not sure what miracle they are waiting for lol.><
For lack of release date concerning DEEMO, this remains so stupid no to tease at least the theme song.
This Vanitas speculation is interesting on my part cause there are many instances that Kajiura-related announcement are super delayed(most notably theme songs) or super advanced(regular announcements should be like this) lmao. Next PV we might get confirmation prob. unless we can get any Kajiura tweet. But considering this is new studio, chances are too low now....If Kajiura was involved in Vanitas, it'd be brainless not to promote her name in the announcement PV... so obviously she's not taking part in it? People on twitter definitely want her.
Probably not, she's done with Homura tweets and she hasn't done anything(1 bgm lmao) in KNY OST anyway so y promote that?She'll probably serial-tweet about the upcoming KNY albums in the next days, that would be part of her series of tweets... but still it would be so disappointing if that was all.
No Kimetsu no Yaiba S2 panel during the remaining days of the event?
I was talking about the real theme song, not the demo track (no pun intended). The one involving the 15 yo girl!Honestly I was expecting at least date release and the theme song kind of overused I'm starting to hate the song alr.
Before we got confirmation that she was the composer?What confirmation ? Thats years ago already![]()
I shall add one more:Kajiura is busy soaking in her bathtub with her money got from Homura while posting hate comments on spacecraft.
She also doing tracklist for SAO:P
Leaked! Tracklist!!!
M1 - She Entered a New World
M2 - He Saved Me
M3 - My Luminous Sword in this Land (that hybrid swordland+luminous in pv lmaooo)
M4 - She is Alone
M5 - I will Save Everyone!
And many more!!
OMFG I forgot about him considering he is the most possible composer to be hired on this series. But hmm he was booked for Mahouka which will be aired in summer also....kinda rare for composer to have 2 series same season but still possible!It'd be great if Kajiura got the job, but knowing bones I wouldn't be surprised if they got Iwasaki for this
No??In the past Kajura had Fate Zero and Sao airing in same season
Who's your Top 1, Samuel?adding a layer just for fun despite agreeing that it remains uncommon (and also because they are in my top 3 from Japan after Kajiura).
- Takanashi had 6 shows
- Sawano 3 shows
Inb4 he announces even more works till then (dude must have hundreds or tracks in reserve to dispense randomly wherever he can and by the grace of Aniplex).