Project "Appreciation and Support for Kalafina" (non-Yuki)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tolmeros
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Minna-san! How are you all doing?
Today we have a very important and serious topic to discuss.

As you may already know, we (Kalafina fans) come up with a special idea how all of us (gaijins) can say "Thank you!" to Kalafina and "Ganbatte!" to Hikaru, Keiko and Wakana in an organized and united way.

Hikaru treat us (overseas fans) like equal with Japanese. You don't see very often, how "stars" dub their messages in several languages. So it's additional reason to make our "Appreciation and Support" plan.

And so! Our main goals are:
  • Show our (gaijins) appreciation to "Kalafina";
  • Show Hikaru, Wakana and Keiko that they have our full support;
  • Make sure, that Kalafina girls would see our messages;
  • Make sure, that mass media will see it too and (with some luck) write about it.

And our proposition / conditions of participation looks like this:
  • 25th of December is a special day in Japan, so it will be the day of our action;
  • Messages will be send through Twitter, so everyone who would like to participate should create their own twitter account;
  • Messages will be addressed to Kalafina. We believe, that Hikaru won't be sad about it, as she is a big irreplaceable part of it;
  • Message should contain words of gratitude / appreciation / support. We thank them for 10 years of Kalafina and showing our support in their future personal desicions;
  • Messages should contain tags: Hikaru's ( @Hikaru_0702_ ) + Takeshi Kato's ( @kaxtupe - editor at SPICE);
  • Messages should contain common hashtag: #マイヤイヤ (maiyaiya in kana);
  • Messages should contain your own personal photo:
    • You can hide your face;
    • There should be something, that reminds of Kalafina. It will add emotional weight to the message and help with attracting attention from mass media;
    • You can use a text board on photo to add extra text to your message;
    • You can use a text board to write message in your native language;
    • Photo should be creative, it should be interesting to Kalafina girls;
    • You can add up to 4 photos (at least one with you);
  • Message is restricted by 280 symbols (including spaces and tags);
  • Message is restricted to English only! You may know Japanese, but for Kalafina it will be hard to understand who you are... a Japanese or a gaijin;
  • Message (text) should contain the place you are from (Country, city or both if you will have extra space);
  • We all will continue to discuss our plan till 11th of December;
  • We will start our preparation from 11th till 24th of December;
  • We will conduct our plan on 25th of December at 7 a.m. by Japanese Standard Time.

Important notes!!!
  • In message we don't demand anything from girls;
  • In message we don't ask them to return to Kalafina;
  • In message we don't ask them to return to Yuki;
  • It's "Appreciation and Support" plan for Kalafina girls only (who are struggling right now) and not for Yuki Kajiura or musician, or Kalafina stuff or... well, you get it;
  • If your Twitter account is in "Private" mode, girls won't be able to see your message;
  • Be sure to stick to the above rules and keep the notes in mind. That way we will achieve "WOW" effect;

Some explanation:
  • 25th of December is very emotional day for Japanese girls. Around this time of a year they reflect on the past and think about goals for the next year. That's why we chose Christmas;
  • We want them to feel our love for everything they did TILL THIS POINT (10+ years) (appreciation part);
  • We want them to feel our support of any decision that girls will come up with IN THE FUTURE (support part);
  • For that reason, we are sending messages to Hikaru ( @Hikaru_0702_ );
  • We want to attract attention from mass media, for that reason we add Takeshi Kato ( @kaxtupe - SPICE guy) to receivers;
  • For Keiko, Wakana and mass media to be able to see all of ours messages, we are adding a common hashtag ( #マイヤイヤ ) of our plan;
  • The more people will take part in it, the more effect will it give;

Till 11th of December we all together will polish our plan.

Will you join us?
Will you join us?
I'm not interested in interacting with any artists (especially as a fan on social media) so... nope from me.

Having said that I also do not understand the point.
What support? Attracting the mass media???? What for? Is anyone dying? What are you trying to actually accomplish? I don't even...
And who even had this idea?
Wakana is doing surefine as far as we know. Keiko is probably doing good and when she wants to interact with fans (or can) she probably will. Hikaru is active on her twitter... so... what's the point? "Notice me senpai"?

But I wish you all the luck and fun doing this... I guess?

PS. Nice first post on the forum in 4 years.

Make sure, that Kalafina girls would see our messages;
Also watch out. Some people here get offended by others calling these adult women "girls". :p
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Ah yes. But after all CPM is a bunch of pressed jerks according to users of that tumblr so I'm good and excused.
DNFTT. :bow: You don't need to be excused for anything. Not interested? Not participating. It's as simple as that.
Worry not. I won't participate and certainly won't try to get in your way on twitter. :)

Still, would be nice to at least try to understand what is going on?
Still, would be nice to at least try to understand what is going on?

Please, allow me to try to help you!

Looks like you do get the point, but don't want to recognize feelings and emotions behind all of this.
  • We can see the results of Wakana's actions. That's true. But not you, not anyone else can fully comprehend, how hard it is for her. All recent Kalafina LIVEs she were crying.
  • "Keiko is probably doing good". "Probably"? Once again, no one knows that for sure. That story with Logo, case of which Keiko lost. Also everyone saw how sad her look was in recent LIVEs, how harsh she was acting and how she posted her latest photo on some unknown to most people Twitter account ages ago.
  • Hikaru is openly showing us how much she needs our attention and support. She, like all others, trying to do something new. And she, as all others, needs motivation to move forward. She stopped doing all activities and I don't think, that it's because she is doing good lately.
Yup! "Notice me senpai" is an accurate guessing. "Girls, look at us, we are behind your backs, we are supporting you, notice that and keep moving!".

Mass media will play a role of a "milestone": "10 years of Kalafina wasn't for nothing. Look, how many overseas fans are supporting you. You all did great! Japanese music band, Kalafina, was able to move people's hearts all over the world!".

This is a collaboration between several international Kalafina fandoms. There are a lot of people, who understand under what pressure girls right now. And so, we made this plan to accomplish goals, that were mentioned in the first post.

It's a pity, that you won't be participating, but thank you for not get in our way!
I don't think we understand "notice me senpai" quite the same way.

[*]"Keiko is probably doing good". "Probably"? Once again, no one knows that for sure.
Yea and it's absolutely none of your business.

It's lovely that you believe you're doing something "noble" with this. To me it feels like overstepping boundaries. But maybe that's what social media is.

PS. Could you explain what "maiyaiya" means?
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Having said that I also do not understand the point.
Oh come on, you're an intelligent one, I bet you perfectly understand. Encouraging us to explain obvious things and then pointing out what you consider stupid, unneeded etc. for your own satisfaction is not OK. It's rude to be manipulative.:listen:But let's play your little game for now.

Sometimes it's nice to things like that in an organized fashion, feel like a part of a bigger community. We haven't heard from Keiko for months. If there's a chance we might reach her that way, is it really that bad to give it a shot?
It's lovely that you believe you're doing something "noble" with this.
We just have strong feelings for Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru and that's the way to show them. I bet there are lots of people for whom this might be the first such opportunity. Can't explain it better than @uaDude already has.
To me it feels like overstepping boundaries.
In what way exactly? Why do you think so, I would really like to hear your thoughts about that.
Ah yes. But after all CPM is a bunch of pressed jerks according to users of that tumblr so I'm good and excused.
Sorry to say that, but you chose to be seen than way by being negative about absolutely everything we do/post. Maybe you just "like to be disliked", don't you?
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With your logic you can say the same about all activities of canta-per-me forum.
"all activities of cpm" is a little too broad for me, I can only speak for myself.
(And this will also serve as MY view on those boundaries I spoke of. You may not agree.)
By posting here I'm not knocking on anyone's door to publicly shout something about them that they did not ask to hear.
I'm posting on a forum by fans for fans.
So no. By my logic it's not the same.

Sorry to say that, but you chose to be seen than way by being negative about absolutely everything we do/post. Maybe you just "like to be disliked", don't you?
Yes, I do everything in my power to be disliked on this forum and take everyone's fun away.
Also to shit on their love for Kalafina while I'm at it.
It's my raison d'etre.
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The point of this project, as in the title, is obviously to show support and appreciation for Kalafina's 10 years and their paths from now on. Don't forget that it is their 10th anniversary this year and I think it would be a great conclusion to this episode if we can share an anecdote of how, during this decade, Kalafina has changed our lives. I'm sure that many of us have interesting anecdotes to share.

To me it feels like overstepping boundaries. But maybe that's what social media is.
I don't feel this is overstepping boundaries as in the past, there were also opportunities to send messages to Kalafina, such as through Kalafina fm radio or through letters given at concerts, etc., and they sounded really happy on the radio after receiving those messages from fans. As a Twitter user, I've also seen hashtags used by the Japanese fandom to "send messages to Keiko" (of course with the hope that she will one day see it). Of course these opportunities for messages are restricted to the Japanese, so I think it's great for oversea fans to show our support as well.

Having said that, I also don't see the point of involving mass media. If this is a project for appreciation and support, wouldn't it suffice if the messages reached the girls? I don't understand why it would need to be reported.
Having said that, I also don't see the point of involving mass media. If this is a project for appreciation and support, wouldn't it suffice if the messages reached the girls? I don't understand why it would need to be reported.

You probably already read in previous comment, that I mentioned how mass media should play the role of "milestone".

It's all about "appreciation and support effectiveness". One thing, when someone tell "you are cool" and other thing, when your achievement imprinted and recognized by society (mass media). If we were able, we would make a granite monument of three girls. It's all support, but with different levels (effectiveness - how will it affect girls).
Seems like we're done. You still think it's noble. I still think it's questionable at best.

Have fun reminding them the last 10 years that will not come back. Maybe it's not too soon.
It's so funny you guys want to not involve Kajiura because she's doing fine and all according to the original post. So yeah let's forget all the slandering words done by some tabloid news before where she is considered "The Boss" and the greedy woman.

And yeah joining the one who made this project where she thinks Kajiura is a pain in the ass and Spacecraft did nothing wrong yeah no thanks.....
It's so funny you guys want to not involve Kajiura because she's doing fine and all according to the original post. So yeah let's forget all the slandering words done by some tabloid news before where she is considered "The Boss" and the greedy woman.
Don't speculate, please.

And yeah joining the one who made this project where she thinks Kajiura is a pain in the ass and Spacecraft did nothing wrong yeah no thanks.....

Can you show me, where did you get info about "who exactly" started this project? Otherwise you act like a lame liar, who want to troll. Or is it as @grunty said "Notice me senpai"?

I'm asking everyone to discuss this matter only if you interested in it. We created a post in "Vocalists & Musicians", as to respect Yuki's fans. Please, don't write anything, that has nothing to do with the topic. Especially lies.
Don't speculate, please.
Also uaDude:
Looks like you do get the point, but don't want to recognize feelings and emotions behind all of this.
  • We can see the results of Wakana's actions. That's true. But not you, not anyone else can fully comprehend, how hard it is for her. All recent Kalafina LIVEs she were crying.
  • "Keiko is probably doing good". "Probably"? Once again, no one knows that for sure. That story with Logo, case of which Keiko lost. Also everyone saw how sad her look was in recent LIVEs, how harsh she was acting and how she posted her latest photo on some unknown to most people Twitter account ages ago.
  • Hikaru is openly showing us how much she needs our attention and support. She, like all others, trying to do something new. And she, as all others, needs motivation to move forward. She stopped doing all activities and I don't think, that it's because she is doing good lately.