「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014」

A live release would be wonderful, but I'm expecting that they'll do one for the Budokan events and those are just around the corner, so this'll probably be skipped sadly. I've only seen (heard?) the Alleluia performance and it sounded good. Real good.
A live release would be wonderful, but I'm expecting that they'll do one for the Budokan events and those are just around the corner, so this'll probably be skipped sadly. I've only seen (heard?) the Alleluia performance and it sounded good. Real good.
Which would be a shame unless they do a strings quartet for budokan too. I think they were going to release it, since the dolly track was around for Tokyo but wakana crying screwed their plans. A lot of people have been calling the 2014 tour their best performance to date.
^ If it isn't considered worthy of a standalone release but there are still good performances, it could be sold as a special edition of a CD single or album (Maon Kurosaki did that with X-Encounter single, and Minori Chihara did that with her D-Formation album. Come to think of it, Minori Chihara stopped singing on one of the last songs on her first live concert video in tears and they kept all of it).
They released ZONE's final performance too, complete with the girls breaking down both during and after Secret Base.
Thanks for the links! Keiko did a really great job in Alleluia and Wakana makes me cry as well ;__;

Highlight of the bootleg is lapis. I know the vocal is prerecorded but the extended beginning is really pretty. It makes me really want lapis instrumental. The only drawback is the unnecessary keyboard improvisation that does nothing other than making unwanted noise. Keiko is fabulous, Wakana and Hikaru are hit/miss as usual (it's not that bad, though), but I do think that this is one of their best 'raw' performance. The strings quartet also makes a great difference and I would really like to see this performance released.

(Plus that moment when Wakana stopped singing before Hikaru's part in Alleluia makes me really want Alleluia instrumental too because the strings is wonderful. :love:)
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Apparently, Wakana is talking a bit about their Japan Expo concert in her interview page in the tour pamphlet. Has anyone seen a translation of the interviews from this book (or maybe scans of them)? All I can find online are the photos, but not the interview pages.
I have the pamphlet so I can post a scan, but I can't be helpful with the translation :(


Sorry for the quality, but the pamphlet didn't stay in the scanner!
Now I'm so curious about the content :sohappy:


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Yeah, I noticed that being mentioned too when I had a look through it. Do we have translations for their words in other books and pamphlets anywhere? I have practically all of them but I can't read a thing :wai:.
Yeah, I noticed that being mentioned too when I had a look through it. Do we have translations for their words in other books and pamphlets anywhere? I have practically all of them but I can't read a thing :wai:.
I only know about the translations listed in the text interviews section on the main site - and regarding books/pamphlets there are only the interviews from Kalafina Record.

Here are some higher quality scans I did today (colour inverted for easier reading):
klt2014_hikaru_s.jpg klt2014_keiko_s.jpg klt2014_wakana_s.jpg

Is anyone around here interested in doing a translation (especially of the Wakana interview)?


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Text of the Wakana interview (note: I probably mistyped one or two kanji):
——6月26日の『“君の銀の庭”Special LIVE』を振り返って、今どんなことを思い出しますか?



とてもいい1日だったと思います。あのライブがあったからこそ、その直後にやらせていただいたフランスでのライブも、「何でも来い!」という感じで大きく構えていられました。「Japan Expo」は5000人規模の大きな会場だったんですが、実は当日、機材トラブルで急にイヤモニが使えなくなってしまったんです。結局フットモニターで歌ったんですけれど、そのときもどこかに「6/26のライブができたんだから大丈夫!」という気持ちがあって。ホントに6/26があったからフランスができたと思うし、2014年はそうやってひとつひとつをクリアしてこれた気がします。いつも目の前のライブを1つずつ大事にやってきているんですけれど、今年はライブやイベントの間隔が適度にあいていた分、1つひとつの課題が明確で、自分たちでもすごくわかりやすかったですね。どのステージも、ちゃんと自分たちの経験として積み重ねてこれているなと思います。




やはり初めての「Japan Expo」が印象的でした。2年前、ドイツに行かせていただいたときに「ぜひフランスにも来てください!」と言ってくださる方が結構いらっしゃって、それが実現できたことが嬉しかったですし、「ヨーロッパでこんなにたくさんの方がKalafinaの音楽を聴いてくれたんだ」という事実が、自分たちにとって大きな自信にもなりました。あの日のライブはいつもの環境とは違って過酷な部分もあったんですけれど、それも含めて楽しめたし、そういう部分でも自信に繋がるライブになった気がします。


For that matter, if you want a picture of literally any interview that's appeared in their pamphlets, I can provide. I'd love to know what all these things say, but there's quite a lot of them.
Speaking of interview translations, anyone know where I can find translations of the EUREKA kajiura yuki interview? :3