Kalafina Best album

I don't always like listening basically 2010 songs being sung today by the girls,because I did prefer Wakanas old voice and the group before the magia craze.

I have the same problem. Wakana's current voice just doesn't fit their old songs.
2014-07-28 15:05:04




:nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto:
:nophoto: :nophoto:


そして、同じパルコ店内にあるカフェ「キャッツガーデン」へ。このお店は、7月31日までの期間限定でKalafina仕様のカフェとなっており、メニューには「Kalafina Blue」「Kalafina Red」というドリンクや「Kalafina Parfait」というパフェも登場している。このパフェの下部がヒアロ酸ジュレだと聞いたKalafinaは美味しそうに試食、すっかりお客さん状態だ。

全国キャンペーン行脚2日目は大阪だ。現地のテレビ・ラジオ・雑誌などのメディア取材を受け、タワーレコード梅田丸ビル店に店頭挨拶へ。お店の入り口前ではKalafina特大パネルと「ひかりふる」の衣装展が行われており、店内ではKalafina「THE BEST “Red” / “Blue”」が展開されており、アルバムに収録曲には全て店員による懇切丁寧なコメントが展示されていた。

この日の最後はFM大阪「遠藤淳のYou've Got a Radio!」にゲスト生出演。この番組ではKalafinaとのコラボレーション施策を1週間実施しており、Kalafinaのメッセージコメントが毎日O.Aされ、番組は大いに盛り上がりを見せた。ラジオ生出演後はすぐさま空港へと直行、福岡へと飛行機で飛び立った。


その後、CROSS FM、KBC、FM福岡と続けてラジオに生出演し、この日の最後はCROSS FMの公開収録を行う為にライブハウスROOMSへ。抽選で選ばれた約100名のファンの前でトーク&ライブを行い、大きな盛り上がりを見せて福岡のキャンペーンも無事に終了。

全国キャンペーン行脚最終日は、北に飛んで札幌に到着。まずは、Kalafinaベストアルバムの展開を大々的に行っている各CDショップに出没。HMV札幌ステラプレイス店では「輝く空の静寂には」衣装展示が行われており、多くのファンが実際にメンバーが着用した衣装を目の前に各々楽しんでいた。その後、現地のテレビ・ラジオ・新聞などのメディア取材を受け、最後はFM NORTH WAVE「Anison-R」の公開録音を行う為にpaseoセンターB1F テルミヌス広場へ。

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Okmusic reports that sales for kalafina's best albums have now exceeded 100,000 copies. Probably a combined number but impressive nonetheless.

女性3人組ボーカルユニット“Kalafina”初のベストアルバムとして、7月16日にリリースされた2タイトル『THE BEST “Red”』『同 “Blue”』が、早くも10万枚のセールスを突破したことが明らかになった。
Yes, it's combined since each of them, last Wednesday, counted approx. 35,000 copies.
Not sure why they credited Aria to Maya as grunty said but Kajiura says Maya only took part in sprinter
@FJukatsu said:
まやちゃんこの曲のみの参加でしたが、素敵な歌を歌ってくれました(´▽`)。 #KalRB

On Maya:
@FJukatsu said:
うんと、こんな時だからついでに書くと、昔いたメンバーの事は別に隠す過去でも何でもないのよ。いい歌い手さんだったし彼女に歌って貰えた事は嬉しかった し。長く残ってもらえなかったのは残念だけど、人はそれぞれ行く道があるから仕方ないね。ちょっと関係ない話なのであえてタグは付けませんが。
She says it's not some hidden, unspeakable past. She think's she's a good singer and was happy that she could get Maya to sing for her. It was a shame that she couldn't get her to stay longer but everyone has their own paths so it can't be helped.
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I am so glad she finally answered about this mattter, at least she doesnt try to hide behind her finger like Sony makes the girls do
Well she said that she really liked Maya as singer and she isnt trying to hide the fact that she was once a Kalafina member, as well as that she would love to work more with her and that its a pitty that this didnt happen, which implies that she wasnt involved in the decition of Maya's exit from the group, although it doesnt specify if it was Maya that quit or Sony kicked her (although with this it seems its the first)
And Maya is clearly on the cover of the sprinter/ARIA single, so we know she was there. heh I don't know why they try and hide her still. I did not remember there being any bad blood when she left, right?
^ Τhey just stopped having her on new songs after sprinter/ARIA, and when seventh heaven came out Sony made an announcement saying she will be no more in the group because she has to study for school and that she wishes to continue being an artist blah blah
:touched:I feel so late! I think I'll get... the Regular Edition :omg:
I really want that booklet but I don't have Blu-ray and I buy everything from Ebay (I've got After Eden album and Consolation Live so far) and the Limited Editions are way too expensive for me :cry:I only have enough money to buy one for now but I'm saving up! :goodjob:
I thought the same about Blu-Ray before, "no Blu-Ray, don't have a player" but when I faced a product that I wanted but was only availiable as a Blu-Ray... well, I bought it, I bought a second hand Blu-Ray player for €30 and now, I regret not buying Blu-Ray releases before :comeback:
compiled the twitter event



prelude - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


miserioso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





光の旋律 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








歌録音していた時、某スタッフさんが、「もうこの曲の歌詞の最後の四行がほんとたまらないです。(ノ_-。)」 と言って下さったのが嬉しかったであります。

Lacrimosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



前も言ったかもしれないけど、幻の馬車っていう本があるんだよね……。( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ歌詞書いてから気付いたんだけど、昔読んで雰囲気が好きな本だったの。


ARIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ARIA。ひかるちゃん生まれて初めて?のレコーディング第一曲目がこの曲って、今思えば敷居が高かったのかしら。当時はな〜んも考えて無かったけど。 (´ー`)┌フッ





だって入れたかっ(略 \(*`∧´)/

旋律、コーラス、裏旋律、からみあってもう梶浦さんやりたい放題ですな。 (´ー`)┌フッ


輝く空の静寂には - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






moonfesta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



譜面書く時、はて、Aメロのコードどうしよう…(・_・;? と悩んだ記憶があります(^▽^;)。



ひかりふる - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







……だって盛り上げたかっ(略 \(*`∧´)/

oblivious - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





音楽 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







まあとりあえず魂が果てるまで音楽やろうかなと。魂が果てたらオンラインゲーム廃人になる予定です。 (´ー`)┌

consolation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





「consolation」って言われて、初めはゆるやかなパラードとか想像したでしょ?(`∇´ )ニヤニヤ

Quo Vadis…も、実は本歌詞書く前に歌って貰った仮歌詞がそうなっていて、フィットしすぎて変えられずそのままに……。


胸の行方 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








夢の大地 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Eden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




昔飛ばした夢の飛行機に笑ってo(^◇^)/~ バイバイ!って言えるのも素敵な事だと思うの。


アレルヤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








storia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


これは元々造語で作っていた、historia opening themeを日本語化したものですね。とは言ってもアレンジもキーも違うので。

Yuki Kajiura Liveではよく造語veをやり、Kalfinaライブではstoriaを歌うので、両方歌っているけいこちゃんとわかなちゃんは大変そうです(^▽^;)。

君の銀の庭 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

red moon!








red moon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

今度こそ嘘じゃなくてred moon!









Magia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



タイアップ的には「バラードかな?」って言われてたんですが( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ。だって出来ちゃったんだもん。



ひータム痺れるぅ〜。( ( (((_⊿_)ゴロン(  ̄O ̄)ゴロン(o_△_)o

seventh heaven - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

そしてうって変わってのseventh heaven。(´▽`)







signal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ

まあ、アルバム曲なんて趣味以外の何物でもないし? (´ー`)┌

w「梶浦さん、ここ歌詞書いてないですが」「あ、全部あ〜 ( ^0^)θ~♪で!」「Σ(ロ゚ ノ)ノ!!!」そんな会話があったかどうか覚えていませんがあったかもしれません。




夏の林檎 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




でもそんな事言ってると3枚組くらいになっちゃってどこがベストだよ!って話になるので諦めました (´ー`)┌。

みんな酸っぱい林檎食べた事があるか!?m9っ`Д´) 青林檎じゃなくて、青くて酸っぱい林檎だよ!?


sprinter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




I have a dream - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

そしてI have a dream(*´∇`*)。



未来 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





満天 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




一番と二番でさりげにキーが違ったりする、バンドを苦しめる曲。いいんだ〜。私Kalafinaのライブで演奏しないもん。 (´ー`)┌



snow falling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

snow falling、あ、これも造語曲からのアレンジですね。続きますね〜。




to the beginning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

to the beginning!



やさしいうた〜 ( ^0^)θ~♪。(歌ってみた)

symphonia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







heavenly blue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

そしてheavenly blue。最後の曲です。







へぶんりーぶる〜 ( ^0^)θ~♪
The Red/Blue twitter event. They're mostly random musings by Kajiura. I'll let you decide if it is worth reading. I found some of it interesting, others really random. lol

Kajiura's tweets, based on aki's compilation.
prelude - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prelude. Created as a small piece to be put in front of misterioso. Initially, I didn't intend to put any voices in, but it's a Kalafina album after all so I put the chorus in.

miserioso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is a little different in arrangement from the movie version. Well, just a little in the middle section. In the end, the movie version was not included in the soundtrack either. I wonder if there will be a chance to listen to it again elsewhere.

Before I wrote the lyrics, the "misterioso〜♪" that I had sung for me in the provisional lyrics fit so well that I was unable to change it. So, before the lyrics were even done, the song was already "misterioso".

Of course, the song is an arrangement of a track from the Madoka Magica TV soundtrack*.
*She goofed. One of the many times that day. lol. Refer below.

光の旋律 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hikari no Senritsu. I'm still not used to this CD's song order so this flow is refreshing……(^▽^;)

AH. No! I lied!

Sorry. Misterioso is not an arrangement! (^▽^;;;;;;;)

I love the flute solo (^○^)

Actually, when we were recording the song (instrumental part), there was no melody in the interlude. So even the performers went "So that's how it turned out...!" after that (^▽^;)

During Kalafina recordings, there are times where the interlude is a mystery right to the end...... where it only exists in my head.

When we were recording the song, a certain staff said, "I really love the last 4 lines of lyrics in this song (irresistible) (ノ_-。)" which made me really happy.

Lacrimosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This song left me with the impression that it was very smoothly done. When it was done, I thought immediately that Ah. This is Kalafina.

I might have mentioned this before but, there's a book called Maboroshi no Basha (Phantom Carriage) ......( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ I noticed after I wrote the lyrics but, it's a book I read that had an atmosphere I liked.

La・cri・mo・sa的なある意味いなたい(?) chrous, it's possible because it's Kalafina.
**Not sure if it's a typo on her part? I just don't get the bolded part.

ARIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ARIA. The first? recording that Hikaru-chan had ever done in her life was this song. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it was hard to approach. I didn't think much of it back then though (´ー`)┌フッ

I wrote this song while thinking "this song is very suited for Hikaru". I had her sing the provisional song and thought that Hikaru's voice, which was a little bit like the sound of a metallic bell, really was a perfect fit.

Oh right. I was asked if there was a need to gradually build up the drums (ie. louder and louder) from this part onwards, but I don't know if it was necessary or not.

.....because I just wanted to have the drums liven up! \(*`∧´)/

Oh right. I don't know if it was necessary to insert this strange chorus here but

because, I just wanted to put it (repeat* \(*`∧´)/

*A Japanese thing where 略 (or ry) literally means abbreviate. It's used for lines that have been repeated so by writing that you know they're just saying the same thing again, generally to comedic effect. Also used when using lines that have achieved meme status. Like "It's important so I said it twice" 大事なことなので二回言いました -> 大事なことなので(ry
**This Japanese slang lesson was brought to you by hours of niconico videoing

Melody, chorus, back melody, all intertwined. It's really Kajiura-san doing as she pleased (´ー`)┌フッ

And this strange(mystery) chorus. They look like they're having so much fun when they sing it live that it makes me smile/laugh. (='m')

輝く空の静寂には - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni ha. It's "Shijima". Not "Sei". It's read as "Shijima".

It's not "shima shima" either.

This song...... I remember having a hard time with it. (^▽^;)

I thought that if the first verse(?) were to continue into the second like this, it would be too quiet. So I went so far as to squeeze the interlude in earlier.

Hikaru-chan sang passionately (´▽`)

moonfesta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is nothing resembling an accompaniment in the A Melody (first verse), just traces of the melody (?)

When I was writing the score, I remember wondering what I should do about the cord for the first verse (^▽^;)

I liked "minna no uta" since I was a child, and I liked puppet anime as well. So it really was a song that had a lot of the various things that made me happy (´▽`)

The image of everyone skipping and playing together in a circle (´▽`)

ひかりふる - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hikarifuru. This song order really is quite refreshing!

This ... is an arrangement of a track from the Madoka Magica soundtrack. This is not a lie!

It was originally a melody meant for musical instruments so I think the first verse is quite difficult, which is uncommon for Kalafina...... the sound skips (jumps?) after all.

The PV was very well made too (´▽`). When I first saw the part where the light suddenly shone in from behind them, it gave me goosebumps.

I really like the powerful feeling in this part where it feels like Kalafina is singing comfortably (^○^)

It's a rock ballad where they put on a quiet front.

......because, I just wanted to liven it (repeat \(*`∧´)/

oblivious - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

oblivious! How nostalgiiiiiic (*´∇`*)

It really is the first song I wrote when I first decided "Let's make Kalafina!". It really was jam packed with the various things that I wanted to do.

It has a chorus that is a little mysterious, an inorganic digital beat, a repeating chorus phrase. It was a result of the influence of the British dance genre that was popular in the 80s to the start of the 90s. ...because, I really liked it.

A certain staff couldn't pronounce "oblivious", and kept calling the song weird names like "oblivo" and "olibuas", etc but recently, he/she has finally managed to say it! (information that you probably wouldn't care to know)

音楽 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ongaku. To give a song the title of Ongaku* took guts, I was told.
*Ongaku literally means music

When I wrote the song, I did not intend, not in the least, for it to be so but it has become the standard song performed at every live (*´∇`*)

I seriously love Keiko-chan's doya gao (self-satisfied expression, pleased with oneself) during lives (='m')

The lyrics are pretty much from a song writer's point of view lol. In other words, me.

I feel like watching Kalafina live (out of the blue)

Wakana-chan's part here, the general opinion is that she comes out so suddenly it's delicious (^▽^;)

Well, for the time being, I will keep making music until my soul burns out. When that happens, the plan is to become a good for nothing who plays online games. (´ー`)┌

consolation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I like this quite a lot, and was grinning as I wrote this song(*´∇`*)

Ever since I was putting the provisional song in, I was imagining the doya gao of everyone as they sang the various melodies, Ψ(`▽´)grinning

I think the reason why the lyrics are immediately full of somersaults, kicks, struggles and wastelands is because the person who was writing the lyrics often does so herself......

When you were told that it was called "consolation", you initially imagined it to be a slow ballad, didn't you? (`∇´ )grin

Quo Vadis...too, was actually because the lyrics in the provisional song, that I had sung for me before I wrote the main lyrics, fit so well that I was unable to change it, and left it as it was......

I really like the tom-tom drum in the first verse. 。.:*・゚゚・(´ー`).。*・゚゚・*:.。.

胸の行方 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mune no Yukue

Each time they perform live, Keiko-chan's singing changes more and more, and is deeply moving in various ways. Surely it will continue changing from now on too.

Yes, whenever the lyrics are written before the melody, I would quickly write some provisional lyrics right there and then, and have it sung for me. After that, I will slowly work on the main lyrics but since the provisional lyrics are written on instinct, often times, the words would fit the melody perfectly.

There are times where the main lyrics are done, shaped by those words.

The chorus here, the feel is a little different from the other Kalafina songs, isn't it?

The chorus here where one line chases after the other. It would probably feel good to sing it with a huge number of people〜。.。.:*・゚゚・(´ー`).。*・゚゚・*:.。.

Besides, it's a bright song! (strong emphasis)

夢の大地 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yume no Daichi. I'm really fortunate to have been able to meet Rekishi hiwa historia……(´▽`). Well, though I think that of every work I have!

I felt that the possibility of yet another different Kalafina was born inside myself.

Conversely, a melody like Yume no Daichi was one that I would never have thought of if it wasn't Kalafina

The life of each and every person is like a grand drama, which the song would watch over and see off. That was the song I wanted to make...... which is, at the very least, an ambition

At the very least, have a tall ambition! \(*`∧´)/

Eden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yume no Daichi's grand perspective is nice too but, the brilliant things, those that are smaller than your dreams are important too (´▽`).

The interlude chorus, the image is of the wind blowing on a hill (´▽`)

I think it's great to be able to laugh and say o(^◇^)/~ bye bye! to the plane as I flew in an old dream of mine

We're all travelers, after all!

アレルヤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alleluia... I think it's a song I was able to write only because of who I am now. If I were to write this when I was a bit younger, I probably would have made it a bit more lengthy/long winded. In many ways, I'm glad I got older (´▽`).

Together with Alleluia, there are a lot of songs that I'm glad I wrote at the time. For example, I wouldn't be able to write certain lyrics now. I'm really happy, to have been able to write this many different songs. And that's all because there's someone there to listen to it.

Honestly, this song, I am really glad I was able to write it, very fortunate/happy that I could have Kalafina sing it. It's a song that savors a feeling of happiness. I'm also really grateful to the series.

I hope the future is kind to you! (´▽`)

That was quick. That was the last song of Red.


storia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Start! storia!

This was originally made using coined words (TN: henceforth Kajiuran). It's the Japanese version of the historia opening theme. And though I say that, both the arrangement and key are different.

The Kajiuran ver. is often performed at Yuki Kajiura Live, while storia is sung at Kalafina live so it must be quite a task for Keiko-chan and Wakana-chan, who sings both.

君の銀の庭 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

red moon!

I lied again!

Sorry! Kimi no Gin no Niwa!

It was fun writing the lyrics for this. I wrote it during my frequent visits to an antique type cafe that has a bit of a otome (maiden) feel to it.

I went so frequently that a few days later at closing time, the master (owner) told me "It's okay, you can stay a bit longer" (´▽`)

Lyrics, if I were to write them only in my own room, my view would inevitably become narrow. So, I often head to various places to write them~.

I mostly write them at cafes, so my tummy will be full of coffee and black tea.

Wa- another song has ended.

red moon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This time, it's red moon for real!

How should I say this, this is....

a song of my taste/interest! ≧(´▽`)≦

...and I get the feeling that that's all there is to explain. Yeah. But I really wanted to write a chorus like the one in the B Melody. It feels like it was only possible because there are 3 people singing.

The part that starts with "Umare ochita" <B Melody

A dark song! (even I can't possibly say that this is bright)

I love writing tie-up songs but, no matter what, there will be some sort of restriction in the form of time limits, other various things and what not so it's also fun to write songs for albums (´▽`).

In a tie-up song, I obtain an image of how it should be, etc which I will then expand the view of. In an album, all of those are included. So on top of that, it feels like returning to the basics.

I wrote the last chorus, grinning and imagining Keiko's doya gao when singing as I wrote it. (again?!)

Magia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is a song of my taste/interest as-... eh?

Tie-up wise, I was told "This is a ballad??" but... ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ 'cause it just turned out that way.

Hikaru-chan in the PV is so sexy and cool〜〜ヾ(≧∇≦)〃!

Because of this song, I've sung EEEEEEEeeeeee(゚Д゚)eeeeeeeEEEEEE for quite a few tracks tracks (laughs), both the members and I. Well, to be accurate, it's not just "EEE" on the musical score though.

The ひータム* is so mesmerising 〜( ( (((_⊿_)ゴロン(  ̄O ̄)ゴロン(o_△_)o
*some kind of tom-tom drum, not sure what it is

seventh heaven - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And in a complete change, seventh heaven (´▽`)

The motif for this is the melody from what can be considered Kara no Kyoukai's main theme.

It's not in "The Best" but, I daringly overlapped the lyrics in this and "Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete yuku"...

This part (the "anata to watashi" part), was actually more complicated with more chorus in it, but as we were recording, I think it became simpler and simpler. I rarely do this but, for this song, simpler is better.

This last part is...

just my taste/interest (again?!)

I wanted to end the song with "Sora(空) no shirabe". Well, it's read as Kara(空) no Kyoukai but in the lyrics, it's sora.

signal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

signal! They're linked by the letter S! (not really)


( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ

Well, it's an album song so what's there besides my taste/interest? (´ー`)┌

W「Kajiura-san, but there aren't any lyrics written here..」 「Ah, it's all AH~ ( ^0^)θ~♪!」 「Σ(ロ゚ ノ)ノ!!!」 I can't really remember if such a conversation happened but it might have.

The part around "Kaze no yuku~" was actually done after, which I was glad that I did (´▽`). Actually the guitar here, it was done because the guitar here was just so cool. This kind of thing rarely happens as well.

A staff told me "Eh? An accordion in this song?" but, I received a reeaaally wonderful solo (´▽`)

Unforgiving song*
*a reference to the last line in the song, "watashi ha yurusanai wa" which is I will not forgive

夏の林檎 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Natsu no Ringo♡

I often get asked "What do you mean by it "tastes of aluminum foil"?". When you eat a reeaaally sour green apple, it tastes like your teeth have bitten aluminum foil!

There's a strong sense that because this song was included in the album that "neverending" was left out but actually, I wanted to put "neverending" in too (^▽^;)

But if I keep saying that, we're going to end up with 3 albums. And we'd end up going "What about it is the best?!" so I gave up (´ー`)┌

Everyone, have you eaten a sour apple before? m9っ`Д´) Not a green apple, but an unripe and sour apple!?*
*there might(?) be bit of word play going on here. 林檎 which means green apple, and くて酸っぱい林檎, where 青くて means unripe rather than green.

That feeling when you eat a sour apple is what's great! That's aluminum foil! (meaning unknown)

sprinter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And while I was saying that, sprinter. The songs end so fast I don't have the time to talk about them.

Maya-chan only took part in this song but, she sang wonderfully (´▽`).

(Songs of youth that can also be said to be callow. I actually like them very much. wall┃_・)ソォーッ)*
*I think she's continuing on the 青 play, where 春 means youth and 臭い (lit. stinking of 青) means callow/immature/inexperienced. Now you see why it's used to describe unripe apples too.

I have a dream - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And then we have I have a dream (*´∇`*)

Mmm, it's at a time like this that I would just mention, while we're at it, that the fact that we had a member that left isn't something we're trying to hide. She was a good singer and I was happy that I had gotten her to sing for me. It's a shame that we couldn't get her to stay for long but we each have our own path to walk (ie. they went their own separate ways), so it can't be helped. It's not really related to the album so I won't use the tag for this tweet.

Eve no jikan. It really is such a lovely movie (´▽`).

未来 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


An arrangement of a track from Madoka Magica's soundtrack (´▽`)

It was originally a song with words (kajiuran) so I didn't really have a hard time with the arrangement. Kajiuran's melody, sometimes Japanese fits well, but sometimes it doesn't. This was the former, so I made a Japanese version of it.

Even if it was just one's* imagination, that moment where one thinks "I'm not alone!" is fine just as a wonderful part of one's imagination (´▽`).

*It's subject neutral in the original Japanese. She might be just talking about the lyrics itself and not really referring to anyone. *coughmamicough* Oh. Who are we kidding. We all know who the lyrics are referring to.

満天 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Manten! (満点 which means full marks)

Not....... Manten (満天 which means the sky).... (^▽^;:::)

This too, is an arrangement of a Kajiuran track which is from Fate/Zero's soundtrack.

The first and second part's key is subtly different. A song that torments the band. It's okay~ It's not like I perform at Kalafina lives (´ー`)┌

Originally, the key change was like the most important part of the song so there really is just no helping it. It isn't my fault. It's the songs fault.*
*hard to get the tone across in English, but of course she's joking.

Actually, after writing the song, it was decided in a hurry that the song would be used as a special ending song. I remember hastily creating the TV size.

snow falling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

snow falling. Ah. This is also an arrangement of a Kajiuran track, isn't it. The trend continues~.

It's a surprisingly difficult song for singers...... No lying about it.

As much as the notes aren't elaborate, the key is severe.

Just as I'm wondering what I should talk about, the song ended.....

to the beginning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

to the beginning!

Actually, I started by writing an entirely different song for a certain OP, but it was too dark and had to be rewritten from scratch. When I had done so, even I myself thought that this was more fitting.

I mean, we're talking about that series~ It was my mistake, to write that song thinking that it was the opportune moment for that kind of song.

Yasashii uta~ (A gentle song) ( ^0^)θ~♪

symphonia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And then we have symphonia, a gentle song.

The song that was the ED for the first part of Rekishi Hiwa Historia (´▽`)

This chorus too, would not hold if it wasn't 3 people. The chorus couldn't be done if it wasn't with 3 voices.

You definitely wouldn't get a chorus like this if you try and sing this song alone.

It's a gentle but valiant song (´▽`)

The percussion in it is relatively intense~

heavenly blue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And finally, heavenly blue. The last song.

It's still pretty fresh (='m')

Aldnoah Zero is interesting, isn't it! (´▽`)

Those singing Wakana's part, you mustn't be affected by the A Melody! It's a legato all the way! A legato! (karaoke coaching)

Even during the recording, or rather, the provisional recording, I remember having to keep reminding that it's a legato.

Remi's chorus! (´▽`)

Such a beautiful voice 〜ヾ(≧∇≦)〃

Heavenly Blue〜 ( ^0^)θ~♪

And with that ends today's event. That was short (^▽^;)

And though I say that, thank you everyone for sticking around for such a long time. From my heart, I am thankful. m(_ _)m

Once again, thank you very much for listening to Kalafina's best album. It's like looking back at the time that was composed of Kalafina. These two albums are a very happy thing for me as well.

I couldn't/didn't talk about anything that important (^▽^;) but, I like this event. It's a little different from a live but somewhat similar. Each and every person is at a different place, and are all listening to the music at the same time. The feeling that everyone is each feeling something as they do so. It is a very blissful time for me.

I am thankful to you for sharing this time, this music together with me. If time allows, I would like to do this again close to any future releases (*´∇`*).

Well then...... Thank you very much! ☆\( ^ ^)/〜〃。.:*:・'°
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