Yuki will take part in "Composers Summit Concert 2018"

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There was a new newletter today that yuki.n forwarded to me.

According to it, to the vocalist lineup from before are also added Kaori and Yuriko, while there and 1 more musicians ピアニート公爵(Pf.)http://www.morishitayui.jp/pianeet/

also the event will be presented (MC) by this guy https://twitter.com/tomitaakihiro

also i 'd really like to know what "Pf" instrument abbriviation means, guessing its something about piano since its next to Yuki as well, but what's the f part ?
ピアニート公爵this guy is probably going to play the piano accompaniment for Shiina Go's Aoi Tori as the website says that it was by arranging that song that made him popular overnight. I searched him up, and he mainly plays classical pieces but do check out his piano arrangement of Symposium magarum from Madoka, it is amazing.

Also interesting that the MC 冨田明宏 is the music critic guy who was interviewed a lot in the Kalafina 10th Anniversary Film.
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Some tickets were still available when I checked a few minutes ago:
Composers Summit Concert 2018
12/28(金) #梶浦由記 #椎名豪#千住明 ほか豪華ミュージシャン/ヴォーカリストと共に特別な一夜をお届けします
Now aren't they a happy bunch.
Who are the guys to the far left and to the far right?
Also, who's the girl in the middle since I thought it was Joelle until I actually noticed her to the side, lol.