Yuki Kajiura's Soundtracks [pre 2008]

way belated post, but here i am:

The Boogiepop image album is one of my all time favourites, i love it from beggining to end with an intense passion. Given the current bgm output i'd love to hear something like this work again, but this same fact makes it so unique and valuable to me, it's a hidden treasure for the passionate fans only (since new fans hardly even care about the old stuff as we have already seen in this same thread). I'm very happy and proud to own this particular one, it represents a big departure from the previous OSTs and symbolizes the true milestone towards -in my very humble opinion- the best music she has ever created.

About the blood game ost, i like some particular tracks like saya, break and touko (very boogiepop-wise), but fails in making itself memorable. Its style was later revisited in Noir, Cossette (my dear dad is very similar to float) and even Kara no Kyoukai in its ambient quality and aim. I think we lose a lot without playing the game (a yarudora like double cast), so that might be part of the reason of its "dullness".

[off] ashita no basho is freaking amazing, it's on my mobile playlist now. Youki Kudoh gives me some Maya resemblance. It seems she doesn't have other songs, it's a real shame.
Maxwell9--if you're referring to the 'Boogiepop: Music Inspired By Boogiepop and Others', I was pleasantly surprised by this; that album shows off Kajiura-sensei's jazzy side; 'Daphne' has a great broody-ness to it, and 'Nepenthe 1' is my most-oft 'Go-To' track from this one. Wasn't a fan of the 'Die Meistersinger' re-interpretation, though--reminiscent of Tomita, but it just doesn't 'click' for me personally(one of the very few that doesn't in her catalog)....
Well well, time to review the oldies department from WoS:

I have a bias towards Tokyo Kyodai BGM since i searched for a long time for the movie, until i finally found it and ripped the music, it will always be tied to those feelings of finding a long forgotten gem in Yuki's backyard xD. I love all the melodies, and sadly not every one was released.:glower: Here are the missing ones:

*The first one we can hear is Brahms Symphony 4 -second movement- by Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra (according to shazam) so we can exclude it from Yuki's
*kureyuku hibi ~Ag.ver.~
*kureyuku hibi ~Piano short ver.~
*UBGM 01 (short ambient track, n°4 in my original rip)
*first love ~piano ver.~ is different from the WoS one (more serene)
*you are my love was rearranged for WoS (just a bit)
*kureyuku hibi ~vibraphone? short version~
*yuunagi no machi ~Ag. short ver.~
*you are my love (without the violin end)

kureyuku hibi, first love and yuunagi no machi are the same.

Camomille tea is absolutely gorgeous, one of my all-time fav ones too :hearts: the progression is so nice, i'm glad it got included x10000 better than the whole bokumachi score. It's amazing what she can achieve when she gets simple and unpretentious (the WoS is the same as the older one).

From tsuki BGM, i have to say it's nice but a bit monotonous, i think i'll buy the movie DVD and see how much we've missed.

And last the cherry on top of the cake, rainbow movie songs I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVE WITH INTENSE PASSION AND MADNESS THESE TWO :shy:they're the top one of my list, there is so much feelings contained, i sense an overflow within myself every time they play, i want to cry and explode from such intense emotions, the change of pace in Lost Home always gets me (both songs are the same ones than the original publishing).

@Thorn-Mage yes, it's the same album. The Wagner track isn't hers (only the short whistle version contained in die meistersinger ...'s single). I'm glad you liked it :)
All right, then: 'Noir' is where my love of Kajiura-sensei's music began about 5 1/2 years ago. 'Salva Nos' completely rocked my world: I recommend putting this on while you're driving fast on the freeway with the windows/sunroof down as loud as you can stand! The lyrics and the pacing perfectly capture the dichotomy between the series protagonists--Mirielle and Kirika--and the dark world in which they thrive through the taking of lives darker than their own. Kajiura's use of Latin is familiar-yet-unfamiliar at the same time, making this track the 'dry run' for Kajiurago IMHO.
But that is not the only great track from this series ('Maze' is the only one that doesn't work for me--let's get the negative out of the way quickly): 'Canta Per Me', with its opening cello stabs, grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go--beautiful, haunting and edgy all at the same time...'Is this what Enya might sound like if she got aggressive?', I asked myself. And then, the second verse, with its harmonized vocals(We Love You, Kaida-san!) kicks it into the stratosphere--sometimes I can feel my hair curling when I get to this point: but then, we're treated to a lovely violin solo from Konno-san that hones the blade of this composition to the point where you could use it to cut the wings off a fly without killing it. Never let it be said that Kajiura-sensei doesn't know how to develop and utilize a top-notch group of musicians and vocalists: I think I'm right when I say this was Kaida-san's first time working with Kajiura-sensei, and is still amazing us with her gifts.
'Colosseum' starts out with bagpipes--not surprising since this was 2001, and Celtic was in world-wide then, but then the melody starts with the flute, carrying you at a brisk but unhurried pace,taking you somewhere while wrapping a cloak of serenity. Then comes the alto sax: I'm not a huge fan of the instrument(baritone saxes are cool,though), maybe because other writers/composers use them poorly, but here it comes in, taking over the melody and adding its own musical dialect that, to my utter delight, enhances what came before, as the flute and sax part start to weave themselves in patterns that does nothing but elevate the appeal of the other(I'll have to come back in and give the musicians their due here, don't have their names--Akagie-san on flute?--handy). Once this exciting and energetic exchange ends, the bagpipes come in and slowly recede, as Kajiura-sensei comes in on piano and slowly closes the song out; musically, it reflects Mirielle's resignation and resolve to find Kirika, despite knowing that it means saying goodbye to her world, which she does this without looking back(hope I'm not being too 'spoiler-ish'--'Noir' is probably #3 in my personal Top 10 favorite anime list!).
Then there is 'Secret Game'--while I'll readily agree that when FictionJunction revisited this one years later in 'Everlasting Songs', it comes off better than the original, there is still Something about this original take. Maybe because it's like a dark version of Delibes' 'Lakme': the song, in 'Engrish' reflects Chloe's heart, whose sad upbringing gives her a very twisted idea of family; she wants Kirika as big sister/lover/spouse simultaneously(with Althena being 'mother'). The sincere-yet-disturbing-passion is captured beautifully: 'Come to me, We never be apart, The sun you see is me No more pain, No memories remain, Now you can play with me. So love me now, You are the one, I give you all the stars I see,The rain is gone no pain is here, My heart I beg you all your love...'. And then, comes the Hammond Organ with two ominous yet beautiful chords, as this dark confession gains the mass of a dwarf star meteor fragment: it is at this moment, that this song becomes so compelling and unforgettable to me. Kajiura-sensei knows what to do with the Hammond--I wish she'd do more with big keyboards(maybe it's the Rick Wakeman fan in me...)!
Salva Nos 2: here's where I really sense the Depeche Mode influence; it's a dark brooding synth-driven remix that probably reminds me most of DM's 'Fpimpf'. It dovetails with the anime as Kirika, on her own, considers her life as a professional killer: is there anything other than darkness awaiting her, should she even hope for redemption?
As for 'Indio': I start crying everytime I hear this song, it's so beautiful. I believe I associate it with the news of a friend's death shortly after I'd acquired the soundtrack CD.
Okay--I'm going to sit back and let someone else get a word in--but 'Noir' is solid in my Top 5 Kajiura works for its range,diversity and impact.
Then there is 'Secret Game'--while I'll readily agree that when FictionJunction revisited this one years later in 'Everlasting Songs', it comes off better than the original, there is still Something about this original take.
Just felt like pointing out that FictionJunction's Himitsu was a cover of Himitsu from blanc dans noir CD, not OST2's secret game. I'd say it's more of a "rerecording" than "revisiting" or cover, actually, since they are pretty much identical as far as arrangement goes.

PS. Speaking of blanc dans noir, why doesn't Yuriko perform Gensou Rakuen on FJ lives? I actually keep forgetting about this song.
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I honestly really want a kajiurago song performed solo by Yuriko in FJ live...without Wakana singing and overpowering her (maybe it's the mixing fault, idk) like in Sei Otome no Inori or adding extra part just to have Wakana main vocaling that part(sis puella magica, tho maybe they had Eri as the main vocal when she's around)...as if we haven't heard enough Wakana in other songs.
Darn--I had hoped that 'blanc dans noir' didn't have anything I didn't already have. Thanks for the heads-up, Grunty!
Since no one else has said much else since yesterday, here we go again: 'Romance' is another excellent piece from this series with its great use of acoustic guitars and accordion; it's a 'brighter' song, used during one scene where Mirielle is doing her grocery shopping in Paris. After all, even assassins have to get their fresh baguettes.
For my money, 'Melodie' is still Kajiura-sensei's most haunting 'music box' piece, which is used throughout the series, never losing its impact.
'Chloe' is a great character theme, conveying a simple quirky charm behind her no-nonsense killing techniques; tigers are dangerous animals, but a young tiger can still generate sympathy.
That's enough from me for now--anyone else want to chime in on what they love about this OST?
I'm gonna look like a d!ck but I don't mean to lulz, it's Mireille. I thought you typoed in the earlier post, w. Also yea, blanc dans noir has extra music (on the limited edition) and songs.

Also, I'm not commenting on Kajiura's music now because I've been looping other non-Kajiura soundtracks these days. So...

The cool thing about NOIR (well, a lot of Mashimo shows) is how often he built episodes around a single BGM that usually does not even appear in other episodes. It made you look forward to the next new prominent track. The frustrating side of that is how many times that track could start playing in its respective episode, lol.
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@grunty have you ever done ubgm rips for Noir? i'm rewatching the series for the ost review and noticed there are LOTS of them :vortex:. I'm doing the same for drama cds and learning to use audacity.
I did start doing the rips and guides for EAT-MAN and NOIR but I always get tired quickly doing those so who knows when I finish. I hope this year.
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Not going to be bumping the thread anymore unless people start posting. Clearly we all (that includes myself) found other things to occupy ourselves with. I'm glad I gave myself the opportunity to look at the games again and managed to rip their music.
I ?think? the mp3 rip that was floating on the interwebs for the longest time came with scans (cause I have them).