Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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It was a "no-win" for ufotable I feel like. They do "Normal" and people complain about not getting "True" because Illya uwuu. They do "True" and they're predictable.

Maybe they should've done both and have it play randomly, CLUE style - but then would either ending be earned? No-win.

Okay that's fine don't urobutcher me, lol !
Not sure if I'm reading this correctly and you thought I was attacking you. I really wasn't and was trying my best to not come across as doing so. I'm a gud boi, after all. ^_^
They still might? Like you said, they did Sunny Day for UBW Blu-rays after all.
And call it Rainy Day ? I don't think that offering a sadder ending as bonus episode would benefit them, except for hardcore fans... In time we'll see.
Dess. Waiting for that date announcement. Don't know if those 4D screenings would delay the Blu-ray release... nevermind they were only a month after the original release anyways
It takes me a while to write my comment on Fate Stay Night: Heaven Feel 3 movie. (Of course, mainly about its OSTs, after 2 times watching in theatre.) It's hard to avoid spoilers though..
If the 2nd movie is more about a lover, the 3rd one is more about siblings, Rin-Sakura and Ilya-Shiro. That is what I feels from the very start (when Ilya asks Rin what should an older sister do).

Before going to the theatre, I quite believe that they'll follow the true ending, but I also think that they may follow normal ending instead or even create a new ending, even the possibility looks low. (Ilya's fan would be mad if they followed normal ending because she got more important role in true ending than in any other routes.) However, I think that there can't be a good end for Saber in this route =w=.

From now on, it's about the original soundtrack. None of them outshines the movie, different from the 2nd movie that there're many scenes I couldn't concentrate on the story because the soundtracks are too outstanding. I'd say that it goes better with the movie, but no new breathtaking songs either.

All 'Candy' theme arrangements: Everyone loves this sweet&creepy candy and there are a lot in this movie! I can't tell whether they're stand-alone tracks or parts of longer tracks, but any choices are welcome.

Another arrangement of Flower will bloom: 'Flower will bloom' is like a theme for an approaching boss who still hides her identity in the shadow, and 'Butterfly emerges' is just like its name tells, now you can see who's really 'the boss'. It's the mix of surprise&aggression. In a sense, just a more aggressive and epic 'Flower will bloom'.

This third version in this movie is very different from the previous ones. It's creepy and haunting. Not energetic at all, but I really like how Yuki can give different atmosphere (that really match the scenes they're used) for these songs. The latest one even made me think of a theme from horror movie or so. I like it less than 'Butterfly emerge', but the song itself is an interesting arrangement.

Shaylee's main theme: Here come our newest songstress! Her voice is pure, smooth, and a bit emotionless. Very different from all other singers who've sung Kajiurago songs. The closest one I can think of is the one who sang the insert songs in SAO ordinal scale, but Shaylee's voice is just less sweet and more calm. That emotionless-ness makes the song sounds sorrowful. The overall atmosphere of her voice is quite like a mix of Wakana and Hanae-calm, quite emotionless, and quite sorrowful.

Its melody is from the intro part of Haru wa Yuku, and I believe that it's at the very beginning of the trailer that features the OST. I really like her voice, but I think it isn't suit Sakura. The first scene that it's used-when Kirei recalled everything about this Holy Grail Wars and leads to the opening scene-is still ok. But its second play when Sakura ranting on her tormented childhood, is just a big no.

One clear thing is that Shaylee's voice in the track sounds like a thick chest voice, while the others Kajiurago singers tend to use head voices, or their voices just sound thinner, and so those songs don't heavily crashed with the conversation in the film, while this one does. Especially, when the song itself is sad and calm, but Sakura in that scene is in anger and despair. If they want to give the contrast between Sakura's and the song's emotion, just use the one without vocal =_____='.

Another thing is, if it's meant to be the main theme of this movie, I think it'd be able to portray the distorted mind of Sakura in this movie, just like the new version of Flower will boom is. I expect more tracks with that atmosphere, but it seems there aren't many.

Kirei's themes: Finally, this villain got some nice themes. I think there are two themes for him.

One is the cello's theme. There's something similar to the library track in the 2nd movie, but it's darker and creepier. Quite a good one.

Another one is a choir (likely, without instruments) theme. To see one of the farthest-from-god guys trying to kill another one using sth. that looks like a holy ritual is kinda...(I do know that 'church' in Typemoon universe has nothing to do with christianity, but still...) And that 'Kyrie Eleison'. I wonder whether his name is derived from 'Kyrie' (in a sarcastic way)?

Arrangement of He comes back again and again: It gets a yummy string melody just like in the trailer. (The strings reminds me of Prelude to Act I for PMMM.) The added beat and guitar makes it more energetic. So it's a nice arrangement for the chasing theme in the movie. I really love this and I want to see a this one in a live performance instead of the original.

Shiro vs Berserker: Not much impression on those. I like how they use 'Believe' to represent UBW. The track when Shiro uses Archer's arm is Emiya's theme? It's kinda electric+heavy beat, sth. that reminds me of Xenosaga era. But not much impressive.

Holy grail theme: That is a nice theme featuring flute, with nostalgic and a bit sorrowful feeling. I really hope for the live version. Can't wait to see how gorgeous Rie will be in leading this song.

Rider vs Saber 1: Kasahara's solo is really thrilling! It's really the song for an anti-heroine like Rider. I like how she can enrage Saber by just a few words. (You know that I'm not a Saber's fan..lol.)

Kasahara's part alone sounds like an aria of a female villain in opera, but it comes with energetic electro beat (not sure whether there is electric guitar here or I mix up with the next song). I can't think of other Kajiurago's song that Kasahara sounds like this. The beginning of Materialize may be the closest, but it's similar only at the start. Quite a fresh approach for Kasahara's track.

Rider vs Saber 2: A choir track. The melody of the choir isn't that catching, but it's good as an exciting and epic battle theme. (I may be into it more if I keep listening after the song release.) And this one definitely has a very gorgeous guitar solo! I think that it's the one used in the trailer.

Rin's battle theme: It features flute again, and sound too bright for Rin. I don't think that it sounds too optimistic in that situation (because the sword that she uses really looks like a big cheat already), but it's just too bright for Rin's character. Its atmosphere is similar to Luminous sword, but it's even brighter and the melody are completely different. Even I think it's ok to be optimistic, I think I expect something like Saber's The sword of promised victory or Iri's Let the stars fall down. It's another song that I think that I like it, but it's just not the best for the scene.

Shiro vs Kirie: Choir without many instruments may sounds not epic enough for big boss fighting, but to think that they just fight each other almost barehand (at that state, their own bodies are like the weapons themselves though...) and as (a bit too strong to be) human, not the legendary heroes like the servants, it may be a proper track. I think the melody is nice, but it's just not as epic or energetic as the songs for the battles of the servants. So it feels like it isn't enough for the climax.

Ilya's sacrifice: It's really bland and not memorable for me. Probably, I'm not a fan of this style of song. Like PMMM's Sagitta luminus, I feel nothing for that one, but many people love it. Even I don't like this Ilya's theme, someone may really like it.

The scenes when these sisters (Rin&Ilya) try to protect their beloved younger siblings are emotional, but for me, the soundtrack don't help much for that scenes.

I'm happy that Ilya can meet Iri again, but at the same time, I also feel sorry for Kiritsugu who can't join this reunion.

Haru wa Yuku: It's worth waiting for more than half a year to get the first impression of this song at the end of the movie. The harp is so lovely. It made me think of the spring rain.

I love the calmer part of the song. It's nostalgic, and Aimer's voice sounds emotionless, but it makes the song sounds sorrowful, just like how Shaylee did in the main theme. It's like the song mourns for a lost in the past that is unretrievable, but it's so long time ago that now one can accept that lost and decide to move on. Now I think that out of all Kajiurago vocalists, Shaylee is the best match to be the Kajiurago counterpart of Aimer, in term of voice and singing style. (But you know... on the other hand, if I want to find someone to sing the Japanese version of Shaylee's Kajiurago song, Aimer is definitely not in the top 5.)

I don't like the more energetic part in the trailer that much, but overall, this song sounds really good.

The part towards the end is also really nice. I love that all Aimer's songs end with quite repetitive parts, in this one as well, but it closes the curtain with the first part from Hana no uta from the first movie. It made me think of Fate Zero that ends with Silver moon, the OST featuring the Kajiurago intro of To the beginning, which is the opening of the show. That is the awesome way to end the song for the last movie.

After the movie ends, I really want to go back to my place right away and keep playing Haru wa yuku on an infinite loop for a week or more. I love it that much!
Thats a hell alot of money for a Blu-ray and a soundtrack disc. You dont even get any discount, since usually BD movies are around 60-70 $ and soundtracks at 30$ so the sum is 100$ exaclty how much this costs if you convert to Yen.

I fucking knew they would wait until spring.

First reason i could think of is the movie sub-title "spring song", and also in March probably there will be enough vaccines so people will be able to go out and actually buy it.
Thats a hell alot of money for a Blu-ray and a soundtrack disc. You dont even get any discount, since usually BD movies are around 60-70 $ and soundtracks at 30$ so the sum is 100$ exaclty how much this costs if you convert to Yen.
Same as previous Heaven's Feel BD limited releases.

And fuck this late release. I really hoped they would release it faster considering the original theatrical release was already delayed thanks to rona.
I really hope I'll like more than just Shaylee and the Grail flashback track on this OST. :|
Couldn't care less for the redux action tracks, lol.

Hope the tale of the Holy Grail isn't too repetitive as that sample suggest. That and Shaylee's tracks were the only ones I thought I'd actually like from skipping the camrip.
so far so boring.
eh there has not been much action around here lately has there ?

(also off topic but isn't the website gotten a bit slow to load ?)