Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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I went through like 3 drafts of a response and it was just WORDs and OPINIONs so we'd be going in circles (how fitting for ufotable's Fate)... I'm happy for you that you liked it.
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Not really. I'm really happy for everyone who likes shit I don't. It's my problem that I don't.

Edit: Just to elaborate. My problem wasn't with you liking Kajiura's take on Fate (as said above). It was with what I felt was presenting "Kajiura fits Fate universe better than anyone else" as some sort of universal truth (which it's not) and what read to me like some religious Kajiura devotion with all the -samas and more fancy adjectives in a single sentence than I can take seriously (@#post-293397). tldr: I got triggered.
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urgh and here i was hoping for things to escalate (i'm so bored i need me some dramas) (dramaqueen)
^But that won't be for awhile... I kind of like that Ordinal Scale's got released while the movie is still playing, since some people (like myself) can't get to a theater where it's playing.
Yes! I am a more recent fan of her's. She is pretty awesome. I am hoping for an awesome song, I would be happy even with an arrangement by Yuki or the lyrics. Either way, great news! I would be hoping for someone new again for the ending theme, like Haruna Luna. It would be kind of refreshing again. (I liked the Haruna song, fine, but she is a much better singer than when she first started then)
All the Madoka movies had openings, though. Kalafina performed the endings of all three, whilst ClariS performed the openings of all three. For some reason they also put the original series OP in the middle of the second movie on top of the already new OP as well.
Apparently, they showed a new PV at Machi Asobi. Not sure if it had new music, or when they're going to release it online.

Edit: Whoops, forgot Nightmare had already mentioned the new PV hue.
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