Yuki Kajiura participates in DEEMO THE MOVIE

The text says that in the audition the participants can change the lyrics and not sing the kajiurago and its ok to just hummmm

also page confirms the song is composed by YK.

@Kowz: Look at the file name: Deemo_M01kaji_intro-2A_ver_vo+2mix
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The winner of the audition must base her activities in Japan and participate in the domestic entertainment industry.

Ooh so its possible we' ll get a Himeka #2 ^^;

The schedule for the audition shows the movie wont be around before September.

Could be an early version. Anyways...
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I wonder who's going to sing these sample videos.

Im thinking that since its below the "Results" line, these are gonna feature the winner singing all 3.
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It's a good thing the song isn't easy to sing. That means less scrubs in the final round. And we'll be able to vote!
Im thinking that since its below the "Results" line, these are gonna feature the winner singing all 3.
I think they're supposed to be examples of how the contestants can participate. I mean, it does say "sample videos". But we'll see.
^ Τhat and the international part was probably requested by the game developer so that people from Taiwan could participate too. The part about the winner forced to work in japanese industry pretty much also limits the winner alot. Like maybe there could be someone who sings better but isnt able to go live in Japan.
It's specified in the rules. All that audition should be aware of that, so I don't think it'll be a problem.
Something occurred to me while re-reading the contest rules n shiet. It says that for the second round, contestants will sing another assigned song. Makes me think Inside a Dream is still a Joelle song, and the song for the second round is the song the winner will get to perform.
Probably yes since if she wasnt the final singer of it they wouldnt use it for the trailer (even though we do have the case of Fion singing kara no kyoukai in trailer #1 and then having Kalafina as final vocal)
"not looking for only soprano people" > pretty much confirms she is looking for a person with wide range, and/or more than one person ?
# 2 is good but in the refrain she kinda screams during the high notes ><

Im guessing that if there's no winner, they ill go with Joelle.

#3 reminds me of Hikaru with different haircut and her voice reminds of Kotoko.

#4 is the cutest among the first 4, and her voice the most pleasant for me too.

I think #5 is tring to be Keiko XD and her technique is great

#6 too much scream

#7 mainstream voice

# 8 too soft, maybe shy ?

#9 she sounds like she's about to yawn (also she seems like she's aiming to be a seiyuu too since she said some of the trailer lines too)

#10 Wow she's so good!

I ll watch the other's some other time.
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Not sure how they will choose (I heard they will pick people from 1-30 ranking overall tho the audition still ongoing. So viewership then judging after??)
But how will they choose the ones that upload to Youtube and Bilibili?

Btw, positions seem to be changing, so you guys' numbers are now incorrect, hue.

Youtube only has a few, but this one is bretty good.
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