Key of the Twilight, Ship of fools and Materialise
The setlist is awesome. I have to buy the live cd

The setlist is awesome. I have to buy the live cd

Aryoch said:Oh my Gooood!! I need this to be released in DVD, awesome setlist!! *o*
il0vesunfl0wers said:Omg, M A T E R I A L I Z E !!! Weeeee! I can't wait! I got chills just seeing that on the setlist.
Didn't Shinada Yuri sing the main vocal for that? (Yuriko was in the chorus.) I just don't see Wakana seeing the main vocal, mostly because I want Shinada Yuri to sing it, too. She's awesome! Maybe she'll be a special guest. I wonder if there are any other operatic songs from that list that she sang.
I personally don't mind seeing Ensei and Mezame performed again as they're favorites of mine. I'm sure they're incredible in a live setting. The DVD recordings are something else, but hey. They likely bring them back due to crowd reaction, and I don't blame them. =)
Kowz said:il0vesunfl0wers said:Omg, M A T E R I A L I Z E !!! Weeeee! I can't wait! I got chills just seeing that on the setlist.
Didn't Shinada Yuri sing the main vocal for that? (Yuriko was in the chorus.) I just don't see Wakana seeing the main vocal, mostly because I want Shinada Yuri to sing it, too.
Secret Game, Maze, Materialise, and Farewell Song are all by Yuri.
Bye-bye L.A.minikui said:The Live CD will not be based on only one live concert, but will include songs from several lives and maybe especially those that haven't been released as DVDs.
OMG OMG OMGminikui said:She is also taking requests for which songs to include.
awesome setlistgeorge1234 said:
george1234 said:Yes but il0vesunfl0wers was meaning the live versions.