Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#20 (June 2-Aug 3) & ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~ (Nov 2024)

Sorry that I was so late….it’s almost one month…Orz. Too much work as the new semester begins just one week after flying back from Japan…;w;, not to mention a bulk of academic job deadlines in June&my ipad was broken from the Japan trip…TT. Here is my report!

YK live 20 Day1 Showa Woman University Memorial Hall & Day2 Kanagawa Kenmin Hall

Some new surprising songs, but most of them were performed again and again. It’s expected though…@~@. Feel a bit sorry for my Thai friends who came to the live for the first time as she’s a FictionJunction and Clamp fan, but there were no songs from Tsubasa Chronicle in Day1. I think that SWU Memorial Hall is very good in term of sound, but Kenmin Hall isn’t that good. The TBS airing may be from the Kenmin Hall as my seat was behind the camera.

(0) Intro from Anti-hero theme (instrumental piece): I think it’s the one that Kajiura tweeted that she isn’t sure whether it’d be too dark for the opening..lol. It has mysterious and dreamy percussion sounds and I really love it.

(1) Antihero main theme: All 6 vocalists were on the stage in red dress. They formed the M shape with Rito and Lino in the back. From left to right, it’s Joelle, Rito, Yuriko, Keiko, Lino and Kaori. Eri was on the higher stage in the middle. Her dress was white with the blue/silver decoration. (Hard to tell because my seat was so far. TT.)

The song started with Joelle as the lead and was supported by Keiko and Lino. Yuriko was the main voice in the bridge. There was a yummy duet of violin and flute. Eri’s legato was so good….;w;. They also had part that all 7 sang together. Near the end, Eri leaded the song with Keiko singing the chorus. And then it ended with the combo of Joelle, Keiko and Lino like at the beginning.

(2) The Four Rings: Konno had solo part that featuring the melody from the main theme of Heaven Feel. Korenaga gave us an awesome guitar solo.

(3) Absolute Configuration: Yuriko brilliantly leaded the song. Konno nailed his violin solo part as always. Konno’s violin part is absolute! Love it!

(4) E.G.O.: Eri came to the center stage for this song. This is the first time I watch her singing this song live! Konno violin solo was so amazing! His violin in E-G-O was E-R-O-I <3. Some part Eri was accompanied by Kaori alone, and some time by Keiko alone, but the main supporting part was done by Joelle and Yuriko. Yuriko really stole the show! This is the first time that someone made me more impress than Eri in her own song…lol. The chorus part from Yuriko was that outstanding! I think Eri is kinda like Elisa in the sense that she’s so amazing when singing in her specialized light operatic range, but not much outstanding in lower range in generic pop songs, and E.G.O. is like that.


(5) Kitchen main theme: I was so surprised! Yuriko was the lead and Rito and Lino were the supporting vocals. Rito on the lower and Lino on the higher. Lino blended well as the chorus. The percussion sounded so cute and lively.

(6) Voyager: Joelle came in to be the main vocal. Rito left. Keiko also came, and Lino took Kaori place. Joelle voice sounds quite piercing here, but her legato was so good. Lino did good in the chorus. Yuriko dealt with the bridge brilliantly! She’s over the top today! Rie and Konno also had flute&solo duet near the end.

(7) Reshiki Hiwa Historia opening theme: All 6 vocalists were in this song. Joelle leaded the ‘camitti mia solitua..’ part with Lino, Keiko and Kaori as her support, while the higher refrain was leaded by Yuriko. Yuriko’s so amazing! I also think that Lino did the chorus smoothly for Joelle.

-Talk- In Day2, I love it when Keiko and Rie came to Konno side and posed as if they’re introducing him during his introduction… So cute! Keiko did that to Rie and Ohira as well~ I think they talked about online game like SAO and FictionJunction…not really understand though.

(8) Forest: The English session started! There were only Joelle, Yuriko and Keiko. Rie went to the center stage. Yuriko chorus and Kajiurago were gorgeous! Rie solo in the bridge was so great. I think she added some twist there. Then we had violin solo, and flute came again when Joelle did her ending vocal part. The song ended with Rie’s flute.

(9) My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep: Kaori came in. I think Joelle added a lot of her style in the song that it became her style. I think she used staccato a lot as well. Rie did the flute solo on the center stage. The violin solo before the lalala part was also super sweet. I love Yuriko and Joelle during the lalala part. Yuriko’s chorus and lalala part near the ending are pure good!! Rie got the flute solo at the end.

(10) I Swear: Keiko made it superrrrr sweet! As if we’re in a wedding of young love birds who fall deeply in each other. Never into this song as much as in this live! She’s so awesome. Love how she sang it emotionally. I also love her improvisation before the end. The other three mainly joined her during the bridge. Love Yuriko in there, and Joelle did an amazing job with closing the song with that repetitive ‘I swear by your side’.

(11) Fiction: Kaori left the stage. Mainly it’s Joelle and having Keiko as chorus. I love Joelle version and Yuriko was so good. Rie went to the stage in the middle of the song for the flute solo. She’s really great here. Joelle’s vibrato at the end was also terrific!

(12) I Reach for the Sun: Joelle was the main vocal again, with Keiko as the main chorus as usual. Rito came in Kaori place. There were many parts that looked like Joelle and Yuriko duet. They turned to each other and sang while looking at each other face. Yuriko and Keiko also did that during the beginning of the Kajiurago bridge. Yuriko’s Kajiurago ending was also super sweet. TBH, I’m so into a couple in Gundam Seed that when I watch the performance of happy songs like this (and I Swear as well), I keep thinking of that couple…lol. Sorry that I’m really in otaku mode for this concert.

-Talk- In Day2, I think they talked about what they like? It’s sea for Lino and Latte for Keiko. She wants caffeine..lol.

(13) Gaia: on the stage, we had Joelle, Eri, Keiko, and Yuriko lined up in one row. Eri was so great here. I think that it’s the first time that they perform this song live, right? Joelle, Keiko and Yuriko did the harmonization part, and Yuriko sounded so outstanding during the bridge. Eri’s legato before the end was also awesome.

(14) Creden Justitium: Eri with mainly Keiko for the low part chorus, and Yuriko also accompanied in high part chorus. Eri was super sweet here. Yuriko and Joelle got to sing the main line together before the last part, then it’s back to Eri again. Eri and Yuriko got the duet at the end, they turned their faces to each other. Yuriko was very sweet in this song as well.

(15) Hepatica: Eri sang it alone with Kajiura on piano. (I really longed for Godsibb at that time… seriously… I yearned for this one since the 30th anni live.. I even wrote it in the game in the party after the live that asked you what song you want to hear the most right now…lol.) Why we have Hepatica but not Godsibb then??? So many Xenosaga song today.) Her voice was so heavenly…omg… The other instrument just played together during the instrumental bridge. And at the last part, it’s only Eri and the piano again.

(16) Godsibb: Here come my favourite live song from Eri! Finallyyyyyy!!!! Eri went up to the main stage in this song. The 6 vocalists came in straight line, from left to right, starts from Rito, the 4 main vocals in the usual order, and Lino. Konno’s violin solo was so great in this song.. I love it! When Eri got solo part, it’s either only Keiko or only Joelle accompanying her. Then we had Korenaga guitar solo, and violin solo from Konno again! Only that ‘isama ariyama soreli noche…’ part that all 7 of them sang together. Korenaga gave an intense guitar solo before the end. Eri did better in Day1, while in Day2, I adore Konno more… they’re my 2 biases anyway..lol.

(17) Alone: Rito and Lino left the stage. Eri sang with Keiko as chorus. Eri was so marvelous!

(18) Bloody Rabbit: At this point, I feel like we’ll have a full course of Pandora Hearts tonight. Konno gave a nice variation of violin solo. It sounds really crazy like the song itself..lol. Joelle was the main vocal, and Yuriko was really great as the high part chorus. The legato at the ending by Joelle was so powerful.

(19) Contractor: Joelle left the stage. Kaori leaded the first verse with the support from Yuriko. Keiko joined them later. Eri was so awesome in this song. Konno violin was also as great as always. Keiko did a low and strong solo part. Her voice was so charming and powerful. Korenaga’s solo at the end was really great!

(20) Zodiacal Sign: Ok guys…, it’s time to sing and move along, just have some fun! LoL. IIRC, this is the first time that all 6 singers sang it together. During Konno violin solo, Rie discuss sth. with Lino and then Rie leaded the dance row with Lino joining right beside her..lol. Only Rie, Lino, Keiko, Joelle and Rito, from right to left dancing. They created their own dance moves and did it together… it must be planned ahead..lol.


(21) Day1 - Paradise Regained: Joelle was the main vocal for this one. She did it brilliantly.

Day2 - Open Your Heart: Joelle was so powerful in this song… marvelous! Guitar and violin solo were superb!


-Parade intro-

(22) Konotohokayawarakai: The MVP of this song were still Yuriko (on her ‘hikaru’ part) and Konno violin solo. The harmonization at the end is always great!

(23) Parade: Joelle’s voice really defines the song.


(24) Sokyuu no Fanfare: A decent one, I’d say. All of them did great in their own leading part except Rito in Day2. Her voice was a bit rough and stiff. Still not happy with the choice of the ending one. With Eri as a guest, Ring Your Song is a great choice for the closing, but well… they may still want to promote Parade.

P.S. On Day1, when they left the stage, Keiko and Eri walked together with their arms holding the waist of each other. And it’s Rito and Eri on Day2. How cute!

When I left the concert hall on Day2, a foreign fan came to talk with me. She sat near me on the 3rd floor. She asked if I’m a big fan of Kajiura cuz she saw me stood up during Zodiacal Sign, and so she stood up as well (unlike the 1st floor, not many fans on the 2nd and 3rd floor standing). She said that she came from Shanghai. She’s a Kalafina fan and it’s the first time that she came to the concert alone. (Usually she came with friends) If you see this post, please know that I’m very happy to see many foreign fans in YK live~

BTS pics courtesy of Kalafina World on Facebook.
Thanks for the review! Hope your work is going well?
my ipad was broken from the Japan trip
Sorry to hear that... 😞
Yuriko was the lead and Rito and Lino were the supporting vocals. Rito on the lower and Lino on the higher. Lino blended well as the chorus.
Ooooh! rito and LINO LEIA are starting to do harmony by themselves... :sohappy:
Joelle voice sounds quite piercing here, but her legato was so good.
Sweet! Joelle is a legato queen!
I think Joelle added a lot of her style in the song that it became her style. I think she used staccato a lot as well.
I am looking forward to hearing the variation.
Joelle did an amazing job with closing the song with that repetitive ‘I swear by your side
I loved Kaori's take in the old live version. Looking forward to comparing with Joelle's.
There were many parts that looked like Joelle and Yuriko duet. They turned to each other and sang while looking at each other face.
Awwww. Vocal sisterhood formed: The Heady Voices!
Oooh thanks for the report! So Kaori indeed wasn't around for most of the concert that led to the speculation of her being pregnant. Really interesting to see that Keiko's now in charge of the harmony for fiction considering in YKL#17 it was Kaori and Yuriko. Joelle seemed to be putting so much work in this concert. Hope she's fine and doesn't overexert herself considering she tweeted that she was actually sick before the tour start.
Oooh thanks for the report! So Kaori indeed wasn't around for most of the concert that led to the speculation of her being pregnant. Really interesting to see that Keiko's now in charge of the harmony for fiction considering in YKL#17 it was Kaori and Yuriko. Joelle seemed to be putting so much work in this concert. Hope she's fine and doesn't overexert herself considering she tweeted that she was actually sick before the tour start.
I noticed that most of Lino&Rito parts were taken from Kaori’s supporting parts, and I just think that considering from the vocal ranges of Kaori’s parts, it may be easiest for the beginners (because Joelle’s&Yuriko’s are usually very high, and Keiko’s are very low.) Haven’t heard about the speculation though…

Joelle did fine. Though I understand the idea that Kajiura may want to have kinda all English session, I think taking a lead consecutively for many songs may be a bit too much…@~@.
Sorry that I was so late….it’s almost one month…Orz. Too much work as the new semester begins just one week after flying back from Japan…;w;, not to mention a bulk of academic job deadlines in June&my ipad was broken from the Japan trip…TT. Here is my report!

YK live 20 Day1 Showa Woman University Memorial Hall & Day2 Kanagawa Kenmin Hall

Some new surprising songs, but most of them were performed again and again. It’s expected though…@~@. Feel a bit sorry for my Thai friends who came to the live for the first time as she’s a FictionJunction and Clamp fan, but there were no songs from Tsubasa Chronicle in Day1. I think that SWU Memorial Hall is very good in term of sound, but Kenmin Hall isn’t that good. The TBS airing may be from the Kenmin Hall as my seat was behind the camera.

(0) Intro from Anti-hero theme (instrumental piece): I think it’s the one that Kajiura tweeted that she isn’t sure whether it’d be too dark for the opening..lol. It has mysterious and dreamy percussion sounds and I really love it.

(1) Antihero main theme: All 6 vocalists were on the stage in red dress. They formed the M shape with Rito and Lino in the back. From left to right, it’s Joelle, Rito, Yuriko, Keiko, Lino and Kaori. Eri was on the higher stage in the middle. Her dress was white with the blue/silver decoration. (Hard to tell because my seat was so far. TT.)

The song started with Joelle as the lead and was supported by Keiko and Lino. Yuriko was the main voice in the bridge. There was a yummy duet of violin and flute. Eri’s legato was so good….;w;. They also had part that all 7 sang together. Near the end, Eri leaded the song with Keiko singing the chorus. And then it ended with the combo of Joelle, Keiko and Lino like at the beginning.

(2) The Four Rings: Konno had solo part that featuring the melody from the main theme of Heaven Feel. Korenaga gave us an awesome guitar solo.

(3) Absolute Configuration: Yuriko brilliantly leaded the song. Konno nailed his violin solo part as always. Konno’s violin part is absolute! Love it!

(4) E.G.O.: Eri came to the center stage for this song. This is the first time I watch her singing this song live! Konno violin solo was so amazing! His violin in E-G-O was E-R-O-I <3. Some part Eri was accompanied by Kaori alone, and some time by Keiko alone, but the main supporting part was done by Joelle and Yuriko. Yuriko really stole the show! This is the first time that someone made me more impress than Eri in her own song…lol. The chorus part from Yuriko was that outstanding! I think Eri is kinda like Elisa in the sense that she’s so amazing when singing in her specialized light operatic range, but not much outstanding in lower range in generic pop songs, and E.G.O. is like that.


(5) Kitchen main theme: I was so surprised! Yuriko was the lead and Rito and Lino were the supporting vocals. Rito on the lower and Lino on the higher. Lino blended well as the chorus. The percussion sounded so cute and lively.

(6) Voyager: Joelle came in to be the main vocal. Rito left. Keiko also came, and Lino took Kaori place. Joelle voice sounds quite piercing here, but her legato was so good. Lino did good in the chorus. Yuriko dealt with the bridge brilliantly! She’s over the top today! Rie and Konno also had flute&solo duet near the end.

(7) Reshiki Hiwa Historia opening theme: All 6 vocalists were in this song. Joelle leaded the ‘camitti mia solitua..’ part with Lino, Keiko and Kaori as her support, while the higher refrain was leaded by Yuriko. Yuriko’s so amazing! I also think that Lino did the chorus smoothly for Joelle.

-Talk- In Day2, I love it when Keiko and Rie came to Konno side and posed as if they’re introducing him during his introduction… So cute! Keiko did that to Rie and Ohira as well~ I think they talked about online game like SAO and FictionJunction…not really understand though.

(8) Forest: The English session started! There were only Joelle, Yuriko and Keiko. Rie went to the center stage. Yuriko chorus and Kajiurago were gorgeous! Rie solo in the bridge was so great. I think she added some twist there. Then we had violin solo, and flute came again when Joelle did her ending vocal part. The song ended with Rie’s flute.

(9) My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep: Kaori came in. I think Joelle added a lot of her style in the song that it became her style. I think she used staccato a lot as well. Rie did the flute solo on the center stage. The violin solo before the lalala part was also super sweet. I love Yuriko and Joelle during the lalala part. Yuriko’s chorus and lalala part near the ending are pure good!! Rie got the flute solo at the end.

(10) I Swear: Keiko made it superrrrr sweet! As if we’re in a wedding of young love birds who fall deeply in each other. Never into this song as much as in this live! She’s so awesome. Love how she sang it emotionally. I also love her improvisation before the end. The other three mainly joined her during the bridge. Love Yuriko in there, and Joelle did an amazing job with closing the song with that repetitive ‘I swear by your side’.

(11) Fiction: Kaori left the stage. Mainly it’s Joelle and having Keiko as chorus. I love Joelle version and Yuriko was so good. Rie went to the stage in the middle of the song for the flute solo. She’s really great here. Joelle’s vibrato at the end was also terrific!

(12) I Reach for the Sun: Joelle was the main vocal again, with Keiko as the main chorus as usual. Rito came in Kaori place. There were many parts that looked like Joelle and Yuriko duet. They turned to each other and sang while looking at each other face. Yuriko and Keiko also did that during the beginning of the Kajiurago bridge. Yuriko’s Kajiurago ending was also super sweet. TBH, I’m so into a couple in Gundam Seed that when I watch the performance of happy songs like this (and I Swear as well), I keep thinking of that couple…lol. Sorry that I’m really in otaku mode for this concert.

-Talk- In Day2, I think they talked about what they like? It’s sea for Lino and Latte for Keiko. She wants caffeine..lol.

(13) Gaia: on the stage, we had Joelle, Eri, Keiko, and Yuriko lined up in one row. Eri was so great here. I think that it’s the first time that they perform this song live, right? Joelle, Keiko and Yuriko did the harmonization part, and Yuriko sounded so outstanding during the bridge. Eri’s legato before the end was also awesome.

(14) Creden Justitium: Eri with mainly Keiko for the low part chorus, and Yuriko also accompanied in high part chorus. Eri was super sweet here. Yuriko and Joelle got to sing the main line together before the last part, then it’s back to Eri again. Eri and Yuriko got the duet at the end, they turned their faces to each other. Yuriko was very sweet in this song as well.

(15) Hepatica: Eri sang it alone with Kajiura on piano. (I really longed for Godsibb at that time… seriously… I yearned for this one since the 30th anni live.. I even wrote it in the game in the party after the live that asked you what song you want to hear the most right now…lol.) Why we have Hepatica but not Godsibb then??? So many Xenosaga song today.) Her voice was so heavenly…omg… The other instrument just played together during the instrumental bridge. And at the last part, it’s only Eri and the piano again.

(16) Godsibb: Here come my favourite live song from Eri! Finallyyyyyy!!!! Eri went up to the main stage in this song. The 6 vocalists came in straight line, from left to right, starts from Rito, the 4 main vocals in the usual order, and Lino. Konno’s violin solo was so great in this song.. I love it! When Eri got solo part, it’s either only Keiko or only Joelle accompanying her. Then we had Korenaga guitar solo, and violin solo from Konno again! Only that ‘isama ariyama soreli noche…’ part that all 7 of them sang together. Korenaga gave an intense guitar solo before the end. Eri did better in Day1, while in Day2, I adore Konno more… they’re my 2 biases anyway..lol.

(17) Alone: Rito and Lino left the stage. Eri sang with Keiko as chorus. Eri was so marvelous!

(18) Bloody Rabbit: At this point, I feel like we’ll have a full course of Pandora Hearts tonight. Konno gave a nice variation of violin solo. It sounds really crazy like the song itself..lol. Joelle was the main vocal, and Yuriko was really great as the high part chorus. The legato at the ending by Joelle was so powerful.

(19) Contractor: Joelle left the stage. Kaori leaded the first verse with the support from Yuriko. Keiko joined them later. Eri was so awesome in this song. Konno violin was also as great as always. Keiko did a low and strong solo part. Her voice was so charming and powerful. Korenaga’s solo at the end was really great!

(20) Zodiacal Sign: Ok guys…, it’s time to sing and move along, just have some fun! LoL. IIRC, this is the first time that all 6 singers sang it together. During Konno violin solo, Rie discuss sth. with Lino and then Rie leaded the dance row with Lino joining right beside her..lol. Only Rie, Lino, Keiko, Joelle and Rito, from right to left dancing. They created their own dance moves and did it together… it must be planned ahead..lol.


(21) Day1 - Paradise Regained: Joelle was the main vocal for this one. She did it brilliantly.

Day2 - Open Your Heart: Joelle was so powerful in this song… marvelous! Guitar and violin solo were superb!


-Parade intro-

(22) Konotohokayawarakai: The MVP of this song were still Yuriko (on her ‘hikaru’ part) and Konno violin solo. The harmonization at the end is always great!

(23) Parade: Joelle’s voice really defines the song.


(24) Sokyuu no Fanfare: A decent one, I’d say. All of them did great in their own leading part except Rito in Day2. Her voice was a bit rough and stiff. Still not happy with the choice of the ending one. With Eri as a guest, Ring Your Song is a great choice for the closing, but well… they may still want to promote Parade.

P.S. On Day1, when they left the stage, Keiko and Eri walked together with their arms holding the waist of each other. And it’s Rito and Eri on Day2. How cute!

When I left the concert hall on Day2, a foreign fan came to talk with me. She sat near me on the 3rd floor. She asked if I’m a big fan of Kajiura cuz she saw me stood up during Zodiacal Sign, and so she stood up as well (unlike the 1st floor, not many fans on the 2nd and 3rd floor standing). She said that she came from Shanghai. She’s a Kalafina fan and it’s the first time that she came to the concert alone. (Usually she came with friends) If you see this post, please know that I’m very happy to see many foreign fans in YK live~

Thank you very much for your report! :hearts:
I noticed that most of Lino&Rito parts were taken from Kaori’s supporting parts, and I just think that considering from the vocal ranges of Kaori’s parts, it may be easiest for the beginners (because Joelle’s&Yuriko’s are usually very high, and Keiko’s are very low.) Haven’t heard about the speculation though…

Joelle did fine. Though I understand the idea that Kajiura may want to have kinda all English session, I think taking a lead consecutively for many songs may be a bit too much…@~@.
rito and LINO LEIA are getting their harmony engines warmed up. I am pleased with that.
I noticed that most of Lino&Rito parts were taken from Kaori’s supporting parts, and I just think that considering from the vocal ranges of Kaori’s parts, it may be easiest for the beginners (because Joelle’s&Yuriko’s are usually very high, and Keiko’s are very low.) Haven’t heard about the speculation though…

Joelle did fine. Though I understand the idea that Kajiura may want to have kinda all English session, I think taking a lead consecutively for many songs may be a bit too much…@~@.
Joelle's skill (experience) and solid technique is what would enable her to get through the consecutive leading of multiple songs even while sick. Performing while ill is something that singers often have to deal with.
I’ve just realized. A revamped/extended Mitsuri’s theme could be performed too in this vol + LINO leading.
And here I was thinking they would never perform Materialise again, hue. Unfortunately, it's never being included in a video release.... and it seems Yuriko was the lead in Materialise. I read some tweets that her overall performance was great throughout the concert, and that the song hadn't been performed since 2016.
Vol15 The Junction of Fictions had MATERIALISE but only in the night where Kasahara was featured as a guest vocalist.
SO SHE'S INDEED PREGNANT!! CONGRATULATIONS TO KAORI AND HER FAMILY 😊 Hope for her and the baby to stay healthy until it's time for the delivery!

Happy for her but ngl this kinda dampens my excitement to try and go for YKL#20 Malaysia bcs I am not that keen to watch "Joelle live" (assuming Joelle would take over all Kaori's parts on the setlist and if Eri doesn't participate in the live tour either)
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They're adding Hikaru to the concert, so mebbe her and Rito will take over Kaori's parts.
Oooh I only read Kaori's announcement on twitter and I didn't check the one on FictionJunction site. So the upcoming concert in Oomiya will not be Japanese sealed anymore, they're changing the setlist to feature Japanese songs (to accommodate Kalafina songs being performed, I assume). Hmmm I'll just wait for the performers announcement for the Asia tour then. If Eri is still around I'd definitely try to go if the date allows. Maybe they're changing the whole setlist for the Asia tour. Maybe Kajiura will let Keiko sings some English songs again.
So Hikaru is last minute guest. That’s why website says that the setlist will be changed then. But I wonder if it will change too much… and I wonder what will happen overseas…