「Yuki Kajiura Live Vol.#13〜featuring SWORD ART ONLINE」 - 21, 26, 27 March 2016



来年三月に行なわれるYuki Kajiura Live Vol#13は、ソードアートオンライン縛りで参ります( v ̄▽ ̄) 。二時間以上(多分)たっぷりと、ソードアートオンライン楽曲まみれで!


「Yuki Kajiura Live Vol.#13〜featuring SWORD ART ONLINE」と題しまして、2016、3/21東京国際フォーラムホールA、3/26、3/27、大阪NHKホールにて。選曲がまた楽しみだな〜ヽ(*^^*)ノ。


2016/03/05、中野サンプラザにてFJC会員さま限定ライブ「FJC会員が選ぶもう一度聞きたいBEST20 Part2」を行ないます。今まで演奏して来た曲の中から「もう一度聞きたい」曲を投票して頂いてセットリストを決めるシステム。投票方法などは会報をお待ち下さい。


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I just lost all motivation to go for #13. I think I'll make do with the FJC live on the 5th of Mar instead. Where the song selection will be voted upon, and we will get the top 20.

That she is doing it in hall A kinda suggests to me that she might bring in more musicians? But I have no interest in SAO. If it's a SAO centric thing, she can have the whole orchestra down and it would still be disappointing to me.

It is weird that she is doing two in Osaka and only one in Tokyo though.
I suppose that I'm forever hopeful of pleasant surprises (even if it means some other event around the same time, like the Majestic Prince in-store live after YK Live vol. #10).
LOL this is probably the first time she dedicates a tour of her to a single series. @ those that think she wasnt interested in it.

I am really curious how this will turn out. However with so few vocal songs its gonna be like a "Soundtrack Special" mostly.
I wonder if she will announced more lives dedicated to other project of her, lets hope KnK :stars:

she's also menthioning something about Best 20 part 2, is she refering to a third release like that ? http://canta-per-me.net/discography/fj-yuki-live-best-2


梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806 47 λεπτάΠριν από 47 λεπτά
SAOライブ、131曲の中から選べばいいなんて!今までに比べてなんて選曲が楽!(*゚∀゚)=3 (そんなことで)

says its difficult to choose which to perform from the 131.

Um not so much considering half ost 1 and 3 are ambient musics ? :XD:
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SAO being the latest series, with a release in Jan, makes it likeliest to be chosen. Besides, it's her music. I still stand by the opinion that she appears to be much less into SAO than she is for the other series. I'm not saying that she is completely uninterested. But there is an obvious difference in enthusiasm in terms of actually watching the show. If this was decided by how much she loved the series, I'm sure KnK would rank before SAO. Edit: She says as much that it's a SAO since they're releasing the 4 disc OST. Timing wise, it just makes sense.

says its difficult to choose which to perform from the 131.
Actually, she's saying the opposite. It's easy. She just has to choose from 131, as opposed to her entire set of thousands. If this implies that the entire setlist will be SAO, that makes the decision to skip this even easier. Thank god as those dates are not good for me at all.

she's also menthioning something about Best 20 part 2, is she refering to a third release like that
No. There is an FJC live and they are doing the setlist based on the top 20 as voted. It'll be the second time they do this.

The means of voting will be made known to members in the next fanclub mail. Unlike the first time, there will be less talking, more singing. And they will try to sing all 20 songs voted into the top 20.
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^ yes I found it https://canta-per-me.net/live-events/2010-fjc-3rd-annivesary-live-best-20/ , gonna make a thread for the new one

I will have to object that she chose it only because its the latest release, because with that in mind she could do one tour for the KnK and the Madoka collection too.

Madoka Magica Hajimari no Monogatari & Eien no Monogatari Original Soundtrack
July 24, 2013

September 20, 2013Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong
September 25, 2013Yuki Kajiura LIVE “2-days in Daiba”
September 25, 2013Yuki Kajiura LIVE “2-days in Daiba”

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Hangyaku no Monogatari Original Soundtrack
April 2, 2014 (Jpn)

April 5, 2014Yuki Kajiura Live vol #11 / elemental Tour 2014
April 12, 2014Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 / elemental Tour 2014 in Taipei
April 20, 2014Yuki Kajiura Live vol #11 / elemental Tour 2014

The Garden of sinners – The Movie ”Kara no Kyoukai” Music Collection–
March 2, 2011
18 Tracks (2 Discs)

June 29, 2011Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#7 “FICTION”
July 10, 2011Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#7 “FICTION”

^ she had all these opportunities

I am not saying that she loves SAO more than KnK or Madoka, its probably that just now she thought of dedicating a tour to a series, even though I hope she had though of it earlier on instead of serving us zodical sign yume no tsubasa mezame and FJ-new songs on every single live
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Eh, I have a friend who wants to go to Japan around this time but I just don't care about trying to make this. SAO is awful and the music has a mere handful of decent tracks. There's not even enough of interest there to make half a set list in my opinion.
I also stand by the opinion that she cares little for this series. You don't need interviews to tell you, the proof is in the music.
She's probably dedicating an entire live to it because it's the most popular series she has ever scored-even madoka can't touch SAO's popularity.
Even though I think overall the SAO soundtrack is definitely lower quality then her usual works, there are still some awesome SAO tracks that would be great to see live --

she has to overcome her fear
luminous sword
light your sword
swordland & gunland (I personally love gunland)
you are the winner (doubtful horns will be there but I love this track)
moon and shadow

and more. But regardless, I do find it strange that she is including SAO in the title. She's never done this before. Maybe it's a way to engender more sales for the upcoming CD release? Also, it only says "featuring" SAO, I'm sure there will still be tons of tracks from her other works and FJ releases.
^ I think horns are possible since there were in the Sing all overtures event, so why not here too.
tomorrow I will do a dream setlist with the tracks I would want her to perform, maybe I will send it to her :)

I think I saw a twit where she said that when scheduling the new lives she totally forgot that Kalafina last far on the water live is on January 30 and 31, so Wakana Keiko and Hikaru have only 4 days to rehearse for the FJC event and she was like omg I forgot about that :XD: https://twitter.com/Fion0806/status/651023458852188160

からふぃなリハをうんうん素敵よ〜、でもちょっと、いいな〜(´▽`)。なんて思って見てたんですが、わ、私にだって3月ライブがあるんだから!(*゚∀゚)=3ハァハァ と自分に言い聞かせておりましたの。
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Oh my goodness the unreleased from the extra edition live would be incredible. I would want to go just for that. I hope that we get some of these songs on a CD or a DVD/bluray again.
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Announcement on the sao website about Yuki Kajiura's lives

「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#13 ~featuring SWORD ART ONLINE~」を開催致します。


「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#13 ~featuring SWORD ART ONLINE~」

□東京公演2016年3月21日(月・祝)東京国際フォーラム ホールA

funny how they refer to Fictionjunction as "many others" because its aniplex :XD:
usually how long we have to wait for the lottery result?
I'm trying to get a ticket for this one
@D-chan2510 - lottery results usually don't take long (since they usually have pre-planned a general release date and have to give successful lottery bidders a few days to pay for tickets). I wish that I had the money to get to YK Live vol. #13 but haven't even tried to bid for tickets this time having paid for tickets for day 2 of vol.#9, vol.#10, vol.#11 in Fukoka, vol.#12 in Tokyo and so far only made it to vol.#10. How's that for a bad average rate of getting to concerts? At least with Animelo Summer Live shows in late August, my tax refund arriving just before helps and the airfares are relatively low at that time.
Hours and short description

イブのお知らせ~Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#13 "~featuring SWORD ART ONLINE~"

  • 2016年3月21日(月祝) 開場16:00/開演17:00 東京国際フォーラムホールA
  • 2016年3月26日(土) 開場17:15/開演18:00 NHK大阪ホール
  • 2016年3月27日(日) 開場15:15/開演16:00 NHK大阪ホール
    Live Vol#13はソードアートオンライン縛り。
Hmm. Remi, konno strings, percussionist, Akagi Rie as the special guests but no keiko for vocals.

More or less expected, given the venue size.
your source ? :)

Hm just remi on vocals for whole concert ? Then its probably mostly instrumental tracks as expected.

I wonder if, since its only "featuring" sao, she performs some music from Bokumachi, since the time of the concerts match with the release of OST 1.
Nah. Wakana, yuriko and kaori were listed. Only keiko wasn't. There's an etc but keiko never falls under etc, not when they have space to list the manipulator.

Source is a picture of a flier that came from the kalafina osaka concert which I can't upload right now.