Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong on 9/20

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Thanks Hatouchan and liricaca for your reports! :bow:
Such cute reactions, you are lucky! :TdT:

A regular but a formidable setlist by its length :ayashii:

Thanks for your report liriaca! You are really lucky to have given them your handmade cushions... :goodjob:

ImmortalBirdcage said:
(and now i really really want to hear that version of vanity :glower: :TdT: )

If Kajifes does not get a release, then I will be satisfied if this will be released instead...
Ah, btw liriaca, Hatouchan, bevan, waihong, did you notice any video cameras around in a way that is similar to vol. 9 shibuko?
^ I'm not sure who from CPM attended the vol. #9 "Shibuko Special" that was videoed for the blu-ray - I only had tickets for day 2 and 3.
Liricaca, thanks for the report! I would like to say I am envious but, no matter how hard, I simply can't. :TdT:

Edit: I really wish this was recorded, specially after the 20th Anniversary "issue". And, the MCs sounds hilarious!

liricaca said:
Yuriko: Thank you! *then she asked me something which I couldn't understand so the staff translated it* Were you sitting in the first row?
(OMG YURIKO RECOGNIZED ME!!!! Σ( ̄[] ̄;)!*internally screaming*)
Oh! I remember that! So that was you ... :x
I was in the queue right behind, round the corner when that happened. Heh. I was actually a little jealous. She said she saw you in the first row. But it's okay. I received lots of love from Keiko too. :x

chrisgarci said:
If Kajifes does not get a release, then I will be satisfied if this will be released instead...
Ah, btw liriaca, Hatouchan, bevan, waihong, did you notice any video cameras around in a way that is similar to vol. 9 shibuko?
There were cameras around for the two side screen. The front cameras were rather fixed though. I really doubt that this live will get a release since a good portion of it already has live footage on DVD/BD. As much as I would want to hear in the garden of sinners~from paradigm again, if they have the resources, I would rather they release vol. 10. 10 is just too good.

Wakana's enunciation was the first thing I noticed when she sang Vanity. She doesn't do "za" but does a proper "the", a proper "love" instead of "rabu", for example.

Luminous sword was probably Wakana x Kaori. I'm sorry but my memory is a little fuzzy now. Bevan said that Wakana was the main vocalist.
I added 3 of these Yuki pics to the gathery. Suggestion to those that post new photos in the forum: Please bother uploading them to the gallery too, its the only way we cant keep it up to date. Anyone can upload, I will be periodically accepting them
数々の音楽プロデュースを手掛け、ワールドワイドに熱い支持を集めているマルチ音楽コンポーザー・梶浦由記の自身初となるアジアライブ“Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong”が、2013年9月20日(金)香港・九龍湾国際展貿中心6階展貿廳3にて開催された。


ライブ中盤には、9月28日より日本での劇場公開が決定している『空の境界』の以前のシリーズからテーマ曲、挿入歌を披露するサプライズもあり、アンコールでは「香港は人の力が沢山ある街のような気がして、香港に来ると沢山のエネルギーを貰える」とオーディエンスに感謝し「またみんなに会いに来たいと思っています」と再会を約束。オーディエンスとの一体感に溢れた迫力のライブは「open your heart」で締めくくられ、スタンディングオベーションで歓声や拍車が鳴りやまず、涙を流す熱狂的なファンもいたほどの盛況ぶりとなった。



■「Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong」Set List


M-01. the beginning of the end ~
M-02. the battle is to the strong
M-03. the image theme of Xenosaga II
M-04. vanity
M-05. liminality
M-06. in the land of twilight , under the moon
M-07. 花守の丘
M-08. Parallel Hearts
M-09. salva nos
M-10. in the garden of sinners ~ from paradigm
M-11. Distance
M-12. 時の向こう 幻の空
M-13. Credens justitiam Vnなし
M-14. Luminous Sword
M-15. デュラン召還Vnなし
M-16. 目覚め
M-17. stone cold Vnなし
M-18. Sweet Song
EC-01. the world
EC-02. zodiacal sign
EC-03. open your heart







waihong said:
Well, that's not true. Who wrote this article? That person probably thought the KnK medley was from Mirai Fukuin when it's not. I think I'd know if we had surprise songs from Mirai Fukuin, prior to its 28 Sep release. lol. oh. Misread. but I really wouldn't call them a surprise...

Great pictures though. I believe they're wearing the same dresses/costumes as Kajifes.
There is also an article with pictures (too difficult for me to extract) at http://www.animate.tv/news/details.php? ... 625&cp=rss

梶浦由記さん自身初となるアジアライブ「Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong」より、公式レポートをお届け!

梶浦由記 ライブ レポート
アニソン ランキングアパレル 仕事ガールズウィッグダイエットサプリカラコン 通販

 先日、平成26年度前期に放送されるNHK連続テレビ小説『花子とアン』の音楽を担当すると発表した、アーティストで作曲家の梶浦由記さん。その梶浦さんのソロプロジェクト『梶浦由記/FictionJunction』が、9月20日、香港・九龍湾国際展貿中心6階展貿廳3で、自身初となるアジアライブ『Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong』を開催した。今回、公式レポートが到着したので、ここに公開しよう!



 アンコールでは「香港は人の力が沢山ある街のような気がして、香港に来ると沢山のエネルギーを貰える」とオーディエンスに感謝し「またみんなに会いに来たいと思っています」と再会を約束。ラストの「open your heart」までオーディエンスと一体感のある迫力のあるライブとなった。

 初開催となったアジアライブの『Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong』は、スタンディングオベーションで歓声や拍車が鳴りやまず、涙を流す熱狂的なファンもいるなど、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じた。

<「Yuki Kajiura LIVE in Hong Kong」Set List>

M-01. the beginning of the end ~
M-02. the battle is to the strong
M-03. the image theme of Xenosaga II
M-04. vanity
M-05. liminality
M-06. in the land of twilight , under the moon
M-07. 花守の丘
M-08. Parallel Hearts
M-09. salva nos
M-10. in the garden of sinners ~ from paradigm
M-11. Distance
M-12. 時の向こう 幻の空
M-13. Credens justitiam Vnなし
M-14. Luminous Sword
M-15. デュラン召還 Vnなし
M-16. 目覚め
M-17. stone cold Vnなし
M-18. Sweet Song
EC-01. the world
EC-02. zodiacal sign
EC-03. open your heart


Translation Please! [If oyu are too lazy you can translate only the unknown (not seen in other interviews) parts of the interview]
woahhhhh, thanks for the pics wai! :love: :sohappy: gorgeous shots, just GORGEOUS.

Waihong, thanks a lot for put them up!

waihong said:

I think this picture shows best what is in my head after scrolling them through: is it me or Kaoru seems to have raided Keiko's wardrobe? I mean, the head accessory? :psst: :punched:
Woah, so many pics!

Not sure if I like how they dressed Wakana though. She's the only one wearing white, and not a particularly flattering cut. This wouldn't be a problem on its own if it weren't paired with the weird (and again, not flattering) black tights. She does have such a beautiful smile in all those pics though... :nosebleed:

I have no problems with the other outfits--not even Kaori raiding Keiko's closet. The hair accessory is less exaggerated than most of Keiko's (or maybe it just fits Kaori better), and the outfit as a whole sure beats the shapeless thing she had back in Vol.4.
Oooh I really love Korechan's and Konno's hairstyle in these photos! They looked much younger, and Korechan especially, looked much more fresher than with his longer hair before.

Yuki's outfit, on the other hand is.... :uh..: It's like, 'Kajiura-san, you've never wear a skirt before, so this time we're giving you a skirt-like outfit for once.'