Yuki Kajiura/FictionJunction YUUKA will take part in " Flying Dog 10th Anniversary Live "

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Seesaw reuniting for a song is amazing. Not a fan of Anno, but anything is better than nothing.
PS, Yoko Kanno was a no show but Masaaki Endoh, Fire Bomber and Trident were unannounced extras.
(Off topic) I wonder if Kanno is trying to disassociate herself from her anime past. She hasn’t done an anime in 4 years and she seems more interested in live action work these days.
I can’t wait to see the video when it finally becomes available. This makes me curious. I’m sure this has already been discussed here years ago, but what was the reason for See-Saw breaking up, both the first time in the 90s and then the last time? Has either of them ever talked about that? It seems like they were popular enough to go on longer, and it seems odd that Yuki started seeking out other singers like Saeko and Yuuka when Chiaki could have sung those songs. I can’t help but speculate: Power struggle? Disagreements about musical style? Chiaki wanted more input on the songwriting and Yuki resisted? Lovers quarrel?
I can’t wait to see the video when it finally becomes available. This makes me curious. I’m sure this has already been discussed here years ago, but what was the reason for See-Saw breaking up, both the first time in the 90s and then the last time? Has either of them ever talked about that? It seems like they were popular enough to go on longer, and it seems odd that Yuki started seeking out other singers like Saeko and Yuuka when Chiaki could have sung those songs. I can’t help but speculate: Power struggle? Disagreements about musical style? Chiaki wanted more input on the songwriting and Yuki resisted? Lovers quarrel?
I think they just went separate ways career wise. Kajiura had her anime composing career and Chiaki probably wanted to focus on her solo career. They never officially disbanded, so I don’t think there were any hard feelings involved.
Kaori Oda and Yuuka Nanri are in a backstage photo in this tweet:


本日花れんさんとまりさんとゆりりんと #犬フェス に行って参りました! Neinぶりの南里侑香さんと、織田かおりさんにお会いできてとっても嬉しかったです🙈 お二人とも可愛くてかっこよくて素敵で、とても興奮する愛に溢れたフェスでした😭✨


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ここまで勢いよく走ってきた『犬フェス』だが、梶浦由紀/FictionJunction YUUKAが会場の空気を一変させる。梶浦由記のピアノに導かれ、オペラ歌手であり、梶浦作品の多くに参加してきた笠原由里をゲストボーカルに迎えて披露されたのは「salva nos」。ステージの最後方から迫力の歌声で圧倒すると、フロントにいるバイオリニストとボーカル&コーラスのKAORIとYURIKO KAIDAが、さらに曲に広がりをもたせる。ライブでの定番曲ということもあって、その完成度の高さは凄まじく、複雑なサウンド構築は圧巻のひと言だった。

「アーティストとレーベルは同じ地平を目指してはいるけど、違う場所で戦っている戦友みたいなもので、視点が少しずれているんです。だからこそ視野が広げられる」と、数多くの作品を手がけてきた梶浦らしい感謝の気持ちを言葉にすると、続いては彼女の優しいピアノの旋律に乗せ、ステージにYUUKAが登場する。FictionJunction YUUKAとして、TVアニメ『機動戦士ガンダムSEED』の挿入歌「暁の車」をしっとりと歌う。梶浦のピアノと、どこか儚さを感じるYUUKAのボーカル、そして徐々に高まっていく演奏と、そのパフォーマンスに釘付けになる。一転クラップが起こって始まったのは「nowhere」。笑顔で観客を見やり、まったく違う表現で、観客をグイグイと引っ張っていっていた。









Looks like Yuuka is wearing the exact same dress that she did in Vol 11. I like the way Japanese performers aren’t afraid to wear the same outfits over and over again, unlike gaijin celebrities who can never be seen in the same outfit twice.
Looks like Yuuka is wearing the exact same dress that she did in Vol 11. I like the way Japanese performers aren’t afraid to wear the same outfits over and over again, unlike gaijin celebrities who can never be seen in the same outfit twice.
I think that dress is worn since Vol. 4 if I am not mistaken...IDK
I think the Vol 4 dress is very similar, but if you compare pictures or videos side by side, it’s slightly different. I always pay very close attention to Yuuka’s appearance.
Yeah, I was like, is this a new photo of Yuuka? lol But maybe they didn't have a new outfit for her? I am sure if she wanted to though she would have had something. I wish it had been broadcast to somewhere around here though. *sigh* I like Yuki's short hair.