yuki cosplay

Thanks Special_K for reviving this thread...... would've missed it forevermore otherwise~ :ohoho:

To da Cos: Excerrent~!!! :goodjob:

AYYX said:
Thanks Special_K for reviving this thread...... would've missed it forevermore otherwise~ :ohoho:

If you have to treat someone to dinner, I will not take credit for it. Ask tsuba out for dinner instead. :psst:

wintersviolet said:
This topic should be stickied. :ohoho:

What are the mods waiting for? :XD:

AYYX said:
^ If it isn't, we can always revive it from time to time... :ohoho:

You shall do the honours, then. :psst:

Since I've incurred a lot of karmic debt with this one already. :ohoho:
Re: Re:

AYYX said:
Thought you'd said "this one"'s on Mr. Tsubasa's tab... :psst:

It is. But someone has to bear the responsibility for acting as his backstabbing proxy to revive this thread, yes?
Re: Re:

Special_K said:
It is. But someone has to bear the responsibility for acting as his backstabbing proxy to revive this thread, yes?
Well, I guess... but I ain't really proficient in this kinda' role... :ayashii: