What's stuck in your head?

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It was a song from Monk (the tv show I'm watching right now) but now it's My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep (I think about sleep too much heh)
Sort of a combo of Inochi no Ki and Silly-Go-Round. Probably because I just played both of them on the piano, one after the other. Plus they're a little similar :spotlight:
Cynical World - Emily Bindiger

Actually, it's more the 'here we stand in ravishing rain' part, since I can't really get past that every time I try to listen to it :uh..:

Now it's Ongaku (live) - Kalafina

Hikari o ageru... :cheer:

meguita said:
Run Devil Run - Girl's Generation

And I don't even like this song! :omg:

^ Oh we're soooo the same! Its playing in my mind but i really dont like it :XD:
A song that I don't remember the name, the singer, and where is it from. :uh..:
destiny - girugamesh

I've only listened to this twice, but the lines stick in my head because they sound suspiciously similar to Elliott Yamin's 'Alright'... :plot:

Rafael-sama said:
A song that I don't remember the name, the singer, and where is it from. :uh..:

:XD: Oh geez, it was Ookamikakushi ED, Tsukishirube from Yuuka Nanri.