What's stuck in your head?

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Pandora Hearts new retrace... Type-Moon 10th anniversary live... Pandora Hearts new retrace... Type-Moon 10th anniversary live... -dies of impatience-
"I want nobody, nobody, but you"
'I want nobody, nobody but you"

Why do I have this stuck in my head for no reason? :blood:
^ lol cant imagine knowling how strange your dream are in general.

Did you cut an airplane in 2 with swing of your hair or something? :XD:
Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la, come and dance with me today,
Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la, sing and dance with me.
Don't you hear the joyous sound, as the dancers skip around?
Off they go, to and fro, singing all day long... :XD:
^ this post put some song I heard on one commercial in my head now :XD: :XD:

@Liana-chan: Im a bizzare dreamer too! Althou lately I havent had so much weird dreams, I wonder what happend, I sorta liked it :uh..:
^ And now, in addition to the song, I have this weird image of Yuki and the girls holding hands and singing "tra-la-la" together. Great. :shy:

But really weird. :XD:
Things stuck in my head:
01. a choir singing "coffee soda toffee pasta coffee soda give me coffee"
02. an image of a 4-year old spoiled little brat version of Demian
^lol I couldn't listen to that song in the car today since I would have laughed so hard

a major headache... not fun