What is your character name?




Ya know! How do you name your characters?

E.G.: Persona 3 main character is called "Kuroiro Seiya". :ayashii:
I don't understand the directions, but... Let me follow the pattern... :confu:

Valkyrie Profile 2 main character is called "Alicia" :XD:
:ohoho: Let me try to put it right:

In those games where you can name you character as you wish, which name do you choose?

E.G.: My mother chose "Dumb" as the name of her Pokémon Trainer in Red Version. :XD:
Let's see...

Pokemon Silver: Mulan
Pokemon Crystal: Kaya
Pokemon Emerald: Bloom
Pokemon XD: Nasuke (if I remember correctly)
Pokemon Diamond: Juri
Pokemon SoulSilver: Emily
Pokemon White: Keiko

Any of my Legend of Zelda games: Hiotu

There's more, but I can't remember the rest :XD:
I prefer using original names wherever possible. Sometimes I go as far as to research guides and manuals if the game refuses to fill the default name in automatically.
If there is NO default name at all, I usually go by the name Nick. :XD: Or Nika, if it's a girl.
On the other hand, it takes more imagination, when tyou have to deal with lots of non-default names in games like Etrian Odyssey or Final Fantasy Legend (for your party) or Harvest Moon/Rune Factory (for your livestock and children). When I played Harvest Moon on SNES, I actually named all my cows after Rune Factory girls. :XD: :XD: :XD:
hmmm for me

Ragnarok Online:
Takumei [arch bishop]
Kyrie [Warlock]
Kaiko [Rune Knight]
Agrias Oaks [arch bishop]
Yanmani Yanmani Iya Iya [Ranger]

Final Fantasy Tactics: Rien
Pokemon Red: Jack
Pokemon Gold: Jack
Pokemon Silver: Jack
Pokemon Crystal: Jack
Pokemon Ruby: Jack
Pokemon Emerald: Jack
POkemon Soul Silver: Jack......
Let's see if I recall everyone...

Pokémon Yellow - Ash :uh..:
Pokémon Silver - Rafael [how obvious]
Persona 3 - Seiya Kuroiro :ayashii:
FIFA 11 - Bünder Valyuus :XD:
PES 2009 - Vito Corleone :XD:
Ace Combat 3 - James :omg:

What else? I don't remember, after all :uh..:
Tried two Shin MegaTen games the other day (Strange Journey and Devil Survivor), and these are the first ones where my name is Nick Hunter. Seriously, they require inputting both first and last name, refusing to provide a default for either. :plot: Devil Survivor also requires to choose a nickname (your friends mostly call you just that)., mine is Hanu. :ayashii:
For Ragnarok Online :
ransho (Professor)
ransho~ (Wizard)

Etrian Odyssey:
Haruka (Landsknecht)
Shinn (Protector)
Luna (Dark Hunter)
Maria (Medic)
Ciel (Alchemist)

Shin Megami Tensei Devil's Survivor:

Ransho is my official username *bricked*, when I played Etrian Odyssey I forgot to put Ransho inside :cry:

Pokemon Silver:
My Shin Megami Tensei character's last name is Hiiro, so it's Ransho Hiiro *or Hiiro Ransho* :XD:
Interesting thread :ohoho:

I usually put my nickname (EinKurogane) in online games like Ragnarok Online, Flyff, Grand Chase, etc.

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner / Persona 3 & 4: Kenji Sato
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey: Joshua Parker
PES 2011: Ali Mohammed
Disgaea 2 & 3: Teophyr (Red Mage Skull)
In my (emulator) Pokemon white, I have it female character as YUKIKAJ :XD: In all the previous ones I was leaving it default.
This should be good.

Ragnarok Online:
Vincent, Zephrent (priest) (Mabinogi human)
Zephyx (sage) (Diablo II sorceress) (Vindictus Fiona)
Zephira (soul linker) (Mabinogi elf)

Vindictus: Vanga (Evie) -- which I am told is a somewhat uncommon Hmong name. That was an odd surprise. I simply picked that one off of Wikipedia, for Artamella viridis...
:omgz: nicknames online
Corpse Princess for random chats
sayaotanashi on chatango :ohoho:
I have a long internal debate when it comes to usernames, because I always judge other people on their usernames and avatar(s), so I want to give off a good impression. I usually have a select few, though, like; sinistromanual, Creolize, Fuuwa, Pontianak, Hiems/Hiemis, Verpa and various other Latin vulgarities or phrases, such as Lacus Mortis... I don't like complicated handles so I usually only go for words or short usernames because I feel they're more concise.

For games like Final Fantasy Tactics, I love using my favourite names!

With females, it's usually; Alice, Alexandria, Fleur, Natalia, Alyssa, Helen, Teresa, Galatea, Maria, Cassandra, Evangeline, Natsuki, Cendrillon, Aurora, Hana and Nao.
Then, for males, it's usually; Walter, Félix, Arthur, Harry, Rhys, Vihar, Sylvain, Kyle, Ted, Noel, Kieran, Darren, Oscar, Aulus and Raphael.

Thank God I'm never having kids, if they end up with names like that. They'd get bullied. :...:
Pokemon Black : Kelas
Pokemon SoulSilver : Selas
Steam/TF2 : Yamsu :swt:
my name on chatango its shikabanaihime since i forgot password