What does your room look like?

And storeroom is true too. Tables, cupboards crammed with toys, figurines, clothes (I still have my elementary/primary school uniforms) and storybooks, and the books/lecture notes/files I have accumulated through school...no joke. I keep everything. :XD:
I once showed my friend a picture of my room (without saying what it was) and she said:
What the hell is this? An abandoned closet? :uh..:
Spider webs, plastic bags (containing books, games, anything) dusty books, new books, paper (notes, test results, ...) everywhere :XD:
@Casa: lol, I know how you feel. I keep many things too but trying to stop doing it xDD Every time I clean my room I make myself get rid of at least something unnecessary (hard-hearted thou xD) Since my sisters moved out I have two rooms so I keep things in that other room along with my instruments. Museum-room is more tidy, but, well, contains many things like...daggers/bayonet/saber, etc on the wall, 50+ different cigarette boxes also nailed on the wall..some figures on the shelves, along with various drinks bottles/cans, some books........and other stuff (lazy to enumerate xD) Oh my...doesnt sound like a girl's room at all :uh..:

@Wormie: oh my, that sounds rough..an abandoned closet :XD:
My room has anime posters and manga pictures that i got from the internet everywhere, i have a little bookshelf (hopeing to get bigger one) full of manga, anime, otaku usa magazines, figures and a death note. and over my window i have quotes :T