Thank you Chibi-chibi!! I don't understand why this single add credits and the other two not.
I really love this full single <3 stupid Oricon ¬_¬
I'm very surprised with the oblivious instrumental, no chorus! sprinter is an atypical song from Kajiura and the combination of Kajiuran chorus with japanese lyrics in ARIA are awsome <3 (by the way, the sample of ARIA shows an instrumental portion (~4:29-4:37)).
i guess the previous singles didnt have credits because Kalafina were hidden. I was hoping that this one wound have the credits for the previous 2 too but my hopes didnt come true T_T
I can't recognize the chorus in ARIA... The kajiuran sentences are from the same vocalists of Kara no Kyoukai BGM (otherwise, the kajiuran sentences are from Yuki & Yuriko and then the chorus of Kara no Kyoukai are Yuki & Yuriko) @_@ I only recognize the voice of Yuriko in Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Yuku and Kizuato. In oblivious I hear males chorus XD
I need a favor -.- ... shareonall closed down (or something <.<) yesterday or the day before and i deleted my sprinter/ARIA scans yesterday (it doesn't matter to me since i have the original) and Michelle was to late to download, can someone please upload them for her >.< ..... beh it would be good if i could find the links on other hosts since those are still active but
And for the rest that didn't managed to download PV in right time i only found the link, for the rest google gives me no results and it seems i clicked this link myself enough times for firefox to remember it - click.
ftw you're all still waiting for your copies o.O
that is taking like ages >.< ... i'd rip my version but i don't have DVD unit on ym computer... not to mention that our DVD player doesn't work so i haven't seen it either <.<