A aero.senpai Guest Jun 6, 2012 #946 Re: Should write a book of Kala-tales, really. I would buy for sure AYYX said: A funnier dudette~ Click to expand... Does that word exist? That made my day, I tell ya
Re: Should write a book of Kala-tales, really. I would buy for sure AYYX said: A funnier dudette~ Click to expand... Does that word exist? That made my day, I tell ya
C Cerise Guest Jun 6, 2012 #947 is now catching dreams and a person whom I will make my fortune on by selling a Kalayuri book to him
A AYYX HA! I live in her CLOSET! Jun 11, 2012 #954 Just recently concocted the interesting PV plot of Wakana riding on sharkback, singing on the waves...
Just recently concocted the interesting PV plot of Wakana riding on sharkback, singing on the waves...
A AYYX HA! I live in her CLOSET! Jun 11, 2012 #957 Has developed even more wicked ideas for that "Kalafina ocean PV"...
A AYYX HA! I live in her CLOSET! Jun 12, 2012 #959 Ardently awaiting the next installation of Cerise's masterwork just like myself...