This translation is better that the one of Google translate, and it translates it all.

what does she means by "I think that a happy sleep will be accompanied while reading questionnaire, your letter which I had carefully from now on.
" ? That she is reading our messege form letters?
george1234 said:
This translation is better that the one of Google translate, and it translates it all.

what does she means by "I think that a happy sleep will be accompanied while reading questionnaire, your letter which I had carefully from now on.
" ? That she is reading our messege form letters?

Maybe she have print some emails and reads them?
I wonder if she has read mine, I had sent one some days after finding her site, before meeting Kerahna. In it i was saying that i was really appreciating her music, then I was methioning that her works havent reach Greece and the most of the countries of Europe, and because of it everyone downloads music with torrents (even me) and that it would be much better if i was able to buy her CDs from a near by shop instead of amazon. in the end I was saying that when i go to Japan i will by everything by her,and i was wishing her to continue composing beautiful music.

I hope if she read it ,that she didnt found it rediculous or something :| :sweat: ^^;
maybe she will get a huge influx of fanmail after this concert T_T that means if i send mine now, she won't find it so great
hahah no, not ridiculous, your letter george, is a real fanletter!

huhuhuhu Kerahna, you want to be special to Yuki ??? hey you haven't sent your remixed 900 wrods mail yet !? °___° I thought you had <.< so you'll never send it xD

hey this shouldn't be in the thread Jin have done ??? (hey kerahna, could you use your magic power to move these posts to Jin's topic ? :huh: )