The SOPA Bill

Our Country SUCKS!!! i Really Hate Saying That but right now... It's True.

This Is the Next Worst Thing Since Allowing Same Sex marriage's !
(Some States) Washington State Just Now Allowed it :blood:
Sorry. I follow the Book. Man & Woman...
Is There Anything Else They Wanna make tougher than it is !?

I Blame Rich People :anger:
Makes Me Wonder What Are Fellow Artists Think of the Whole Thing :confu:

Kami-sama May Your Light Smack The Goo out of their Senseless Brains :orz:

My Ranting Done For Tonight..
Thank You, Thank You I'll Be here All Week :XD:
I think fighting on-line pirates is worse than same sex marriages :uh..:
isn't that what i said :confu:

well they are forgetting one small thing.... We Are not Making any money off our work.. Lyric Video, AMV, Picture Videos, Etc.

The Internet is Ran in America but it is connected to other Country's servers...
so this Bill Affects EVERYONE!!!

what ever happen to. "Every Person Has a Voice!" What, So we Have to Be Rich or Someone Of High Importance to be able to say what we think...

plus it will destroy Jobs... I'm Done.. The Ball is on Y'all's Court.
^ It's not really to do with making money off making videos...unfortunately, it's to do with the fact that the people watching those videos aren't paying for them. Even though some of them may not be downloading the audio or anything, they're technically "getting the song for free", which is what the companies are mad about.
True.. So true.. Guess My Most Mind Asked Question is..

Why Are They Taking it This Far? Censoring the Internet is absurd.

That would mean No Free Streaming Anime :orz:

I wonder If That Takes out Netflix? I mean That's a Paying for watching Movie/shows on web or DVD rental...

* I Was not Meaning any Rude manner on my last few posts. I'm Sorry if it seem I implied something...

:uh..: I'm Really Opinionated
^ Netflix is an official company, and I think they pay the studios for the licenses to the movies and shows. Plus they charge you to watch them, so that's definitely all legal.

And yup, I'm asking that question too. :uh..:

arqnohikari said:
This Is the Next Worst Thing Since Allowing Same Sex marriage's !

People should be allowed to do that, anyway. If they are happy that way, let them be.
Dropping the topic of a Proposal that Does NOT follow the finding belief's Of The United States of America... Finished I DO NOT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!

If to make a Funny movie of This SOAP BILL as a Civil War..
How Would you Direct And Produce it? :XD:

I would Used Records, Cassette Tapes, CD's, Pens, Paper, and dollar bills as Weapons.

Paying Customers As the allies
The Government's as the Axis.

I can Understand the Artists Work Must be Protected But This SOPA Bill is One Big SOAP DRAMA :XD: