YOU said it, not meRafael-sama said:Were you thinking about bad things, Alphie?
Japanese City Fights Crime with Magical Girl Poster
Matsudo, a city in Chiba Prefecture just east of Tokyo, produced a poster with a magical girl character to promote awareness of its "Zero Crime Day" and its crime prevention patrol campaign. The city and its alliance of crime prevention organizations asked the artist Nanaroku ("76," pixiv account) to draw something aimed at encouraging young people in crime prevention — adding, "A magical girl would be nice." As a result, Nanaroku drew a police-style magical girl.
The city began posting the resulting poster at police stations, citizens' center, gymnasiums, and other municipal locales on Wednesday. It also put the poster up at some train stations, the chamber of commerce, and the bulletin boards of neighborhood associations. The city marks "Zero Crime Day" on the 15th of every month, and the next seasonal crime prevention patrol campaign will be held for 12 days from July 20 to July 31.