The other promise.




My favourite track from any Kingdom Hearts game to date.I can't even describe why do I like this track so much,somehow it just managed to deliver a certain feel about Roxas's tragic fate throughout the story.
Yes, its really pretty but its not my favourite I think because I have alot of favourites XD. The upcoming KH: Birth By Sleep also has a number of relly good tracks, among them Aqua's theme (there are only game rips around the internet but I am sure I saw a soundtrack in a store :cry: )

The game comes out Sept 7 in US and Sept 10 in EU *cant wait*
*me wants Re:Chain of Memories to come to Europe too*
omg this track is so wonderful! :nosebleed:
thanks for sharing, onigiri :sohappy:
any links to download? :psst:
I think those who upload this video on youtube would include the download link in their description post.
I love that song so muuuuuch :nosebleed:

It is my favorite of the KH soundtrack! So dramatic.. and sad... so orchestral and magnificent!! <333 I love Roxas ;___;
I love this song so much too...
This song is really fit with Roxas (My lovely Roxas)!

I also like Ven's Theme in BbS! So melancholic!

Ven & Roxas are very similiar each other, and they both have cruel fate.

:cry: :cry: :cry:


have you listen "Musique pour la tristesse de Xion" in Piano Collections Kingdom Hearts / Field & Battle???

This song is amazing too...
You can hear this song when you fight versus Xion in 358/2 days in Round 4 (Final Round)!
I love this song very much!
I love alot of the Kingdom Hearts OST's, but this was definitely one of the better ones.

The theme tracks by Utada are still my favourites though.