Spring 2011 anime


I know that its too early for this thread but the first chart is out XD

so here we go


Only thing that interests me so far is The World God only knows 2, the rest is generally :uh..:

wait, Shinbo has another show next season "Electromagnetic Wave woman & Adoscent Man ", as well as Maria Holic 2 :ayashii:

oh there is a Koichi Mahimo anime too :plot:

For which of the 2 do you see possiblity that Yuki will make the music ?
They all look boring. I miss the good old anime, with plot and action. Nowadays are just plain and boring. I've given up on anime for a long time. Thanks for sharing though xD
I'll try Appleseed XIII,, Steins;Gate, Hyouge Mono, Hanasaku Iroha and Showa Monogatari.
Why does the graphic for World's First Love look like BL to me?! :omg: :omg:
C looks mysteriously attracting :XD:

steins;gate game looks awesome, and im somehow curious about health & phys ed for 30 year olds XDDDD
GAH!!!! :uh..:

Nothing there either!!! Maybe Appleseed XIII but I'd have to go back and watch the originals. Haven't seen them in awhile. :ayashii:
Maria Holic 2 for sure :psst:
Appleseed XIII, probably.
Kampfer... I dunno. It wasn't good anime, although it has an all-star cast :uh..:
Kampfer was a top-class hilarity in the "fanservice on crack" field. I'm definitely digging in. :ohoho:
As well as into both Shaft productions, of course. :sparkleguy: ALthough I doubt Yuki will enroll with either them or Bee Train (Hyouge Mono looks rather vague to me so far - and is there enough plot to make 39 episodes? Oh wait, it's Kouichi Mashimo... :XD: ).
Nothing really sounds interesting to me. maybe I'll try C
Gonna lap up Kampfer. Guilty pleasure for me. :ohoho:

Continuing with the sequels of Maria Holic and The World God Only Knows too. Maybe will try out Steins;Gate and oh heck, let's see what Nichijou is like. :XD:
:uh..: Only one or two series look interesting on the new list besides the Appleseed remake...
I will go for Steins;Gate, for sure. And maybe C, Hidan no Aria and X-Men.