Song title sentences


Lets make sentenced using as much as possible words that are titles of Yuki's songs :D . I start with mine.

I am in nostalgia of the Destination of Akatsuki no Kuruma where is Honoh no Tobira, during the Kouya Ruten while we were Futari and Aikoi

[ P.S: アマリリス says: i guess there was a piano too (アマリリス = Midori ) ]

Its Oblivious that Kimi ga hikari ni kaete Yuku your Kizuato while singing an Aria and running like a Sprinter.
in memory of you we're playing the secret game while killing Nadie by using Grandpa's Violin as a weapon
I talk to the rain while hearing our prayer and watching the total eclipse, meanwhile the nature sings a song of storm and fire and burns the Forest. Fortunately, a Rain and Storm starts and a tiny sunshine brings everything to normal in the valley of mist, in the middle of nowhere.
My M01 is like a M19+20 while you is M06 until the M07 of the M03a+b...

To find your flower I need that the story begins at midnight with Elenore, Vanessa and Limelda in a foreign town singin' a cradle titled Hitomi no Kakera to Margalet and Madlax.
I met some Saints in one a A Prophet's Dream that I have last night...
The dream was full of Suspense & Mystery.
The Saints throw me in a dark and big hole and I passed out while I was falling.
I awoked and I had red Wings that made me feel powerful, I tought that maybe they were Fake Wings but I fell some Distrust in the air... so the wings were real...
I walked into a No Mans Land and I found a girl... I call her but she said:

-Just a Moment -she was writing something- yes... what's up?
-I have to ask you something... Who am I?
-Oh!! Don't you know?
-Don't you even know Where You Are?
-No, I had a Hard Struggle to arrive here, but that's the only thing that I rebember.
-Oh! your Sweet Memories are lost...
-Sweet memories?
-Yeah, they are those Unforgettable thnigs that you never should forget
-Yeah... But I already forgot them...

The girls had the Sweetest Smile that I never seen...
Then she looked at me and said:

-Come on! Sit Beside Me, I'm going to tell you how to recover your Sweet Memories...

Wow... I get inspired... Sorry about it...
Hm... do you wish that I continue this? :XD: ??
...Then you sit beside her and you say to her "you are my love" and then she takes one feather from your wings and tells to you while pointing at it "my dear feather"
But I noticed that the feather is from fake wings :omgwtf: So, I decided to listen the Finland theme :XD:
Two lovers talked about an old fairytale while humming a distant melody of an aria in a opera and walking on the Gin no Hashi(bridge of silver). The blue Houseki(jewel) on the woman's necklace shined brightly in the moonlight. The man said, "You are my love." However, the woman died by falling off the bridge and the man had to sing Lacrimosa as a parting song.
Alone and Bitter, the man wanders the streets like A Stray Child. The World is spinning. He wishes that he can Warp back to that fateful day and Sacrifice himself in her place. The chilly Winter breeze hushes by his skin, as if whispering a foreign Himitsu (secret). Lost In the Land of Twilight Under the Moon, he continues to dwell in this Cynical World.