I wish I had a photographic machine (camera) because my phone-to-PC corde is not working and I cant transfer the photos
XD haha not really!Kerahna said:waah tsubasa yuo live in a JUNGLE!!
XDZuiyon said:lool tsuba lives in the jungle XD
hey kerahna there are still too much plants, remove that treee!!! XD
Kerahna said:ok, plant removed ... G_2867.jpg
Kerahna said:probably something like that
Kerahna said:tsubasa i want more clear pictures of your jungle! the trees are so BIG its so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm serious!!
and yes, i live near the "beach" but its a rocky beach
sometimes with dead fish
or dead birds :(
it's really windy too, only good for throwing rocks
Kei_kaito said: