Bowl of Yuki-shaped cereal
I agree.I think she should do whatever makes her happy. I'm looking forward to hearing the direction she takes, if she gets to release music on her own terms.
This made me smile when I read it. She could be anything! Maybe she should do a MV and roleplay as a dentist.which might as well mean she is becoming a full time dentist
Awww, I didn't think it was that bad...If my "full time dentist" comment based on the vagueness of the announcement (as translated by deepl) made anyone feel some kind of way or implied her quitting music, I apologize.
Yes, yes! Her youthfulness was often reminiscent of early Hikaru, but even (I daresay) more delicately expressive as a young voice.Her voice (more of the strength in her tone and/or articulations, not sure how to describe those :3) gave me quite some refreshing tingles in the YK world as it's pretty unique with an almost shounen-like youthful quality in both PARADE and lives, and I thought it might be a good inspiration for future collaboratios. I was really brightened up by her performance when I was at Kaji Fes as it was a very pleasant surprise to me - senya ichiya suited her so well in my opinion, rito was very expressive and playful.
That word "junction" and this explanation reiterates Kajiura's old comments that "FictionJunction" is actually Kajiura, and those that come along with her at different seasons. "Parade" was a celebration of that idea.Members of YKL are not considered a (fixed) band/group. I think this is really what 'FictionJunction' means: when everyone is in the midst of walking different paths to search for our very own sounds, we have the fortune to come together at a particular moment to perform music. At the end of our PARADE, we wave our hands and say 'see you!'; maybe we won't see each other again in the next PARADE, or maybe we will.
"maybe we will", might indicate she wouldn't be against working with others who have left or moved on in the future (e.g. Keiko).
This also indicates that her music is written with the vocalists she feels can do it, but the music is also able to be performed with the original singer(s), or arranged for and interpreted by a guest vocalist, which is the reason why she's covered much of her old music, sung by other vocalists within FictionJunction (regular or guest).
Uhm, KOKIA majored in opera singing in school too! She just didn't go that route and instead went mystical/ethnic/folk.Like KOKIA or our opera singers
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