Review section



I was just thinking, it might be nice to have a section for reviews to be posted for the CDs and Live DVDs featuring Yuki's music. I don't know if it's ever been brought up before.
Good idea. I know some CPMers post their reviews in their blogs and then share them with us. It would be nice to have all the reviews in one place.

Hua Xiao Min said:
with feedback.

Any comments on a blog post should be kept with the original blog post, and would be up to the operator of the blog to moderate.

The Aggregator would probably require specific tags to keep posts on the subject; I.E., writing about last weekend at the waterpark is fine, but it would not go on our main site, would it?


So, what sort of posts are you all expecting to show up? (give links)
tsubasa said:
like putting tags/category on our blogs? :ayashii:

On your blog posts, yes. In wordpress, at least, posts' tags are made available via the rss feed. I'd have to do some testing on categories.

EDIT: Seriously, I need links if anything is going to happen.