"Red Moon" album release anniversary Events

One more live thing announced

[url:309m1k0i]http://www.kalafina.jp/info/index.html[/url] said:
3/23(火)26:04~27:10 TBS「Mライブ」;Karafina 実演OA!

google translation:

3 / 23 (Tue) 26:04 ~ 27:10 TBS "M Live"; Karafina demonstration OA!

3/24 bayfm「MUSIC GENERATION FROM K-WEST」(19:00~19:50)@流山おおたかの森S・C 3階STUDIO K-WEST
3/24 文化放送「リッスン?~Live for Life~(25:00~27:00)

they are all radio appearances

Kerahna said:
there are many people who only visit the main site; that's the reason for those posts. The comments section of those posts is just a convenience for people to express their enthusiasm I guess. Posts in the forum have a different audience and are better at facilitating discussion.

On that note, there is really no need to criticize the redundancy of posts; please think of it as an attempt to reach a wider audience.

Kera sounded too profesionak like this :shy:
Hi I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this at all, but I'm thinking about going to Japan in June and hopefully I can go to a concert. Does anyone know how I'd go about finding out how to get tickets for the concert?

Thanks!! Anything would help.
so for the mini live in Tokyo they performed "Red Moon", "Hikari no senritsu" and "I Have a Dream" in a small room, very close to the audience. Apparently they sang very well.
[url:7heo4w63]http://www.kalafina.jp/info/index.html[/url] said:
「レコチョク アニメ/ゲーム・うた」サイトにて『イヴの時間 劇場版』特集の掲載がスタートしました!!
『イヴの時間 劇場版』主題歌:Kalafina Ihave a dream」の「着うた(R)」も配信スタート!! (2010.3.18)

「レコチョク アニメ/ゲーム・うた」サイトにて『イヴの時間 劇場版』特集の掲載がスタートしました!!
『イヴの時間 劇場版』主題歌:Kalafina Ihave a dream」の「着うた(R)」も配信スタート!!

また、同じ「レコチョク アニメ/ゲーム・うた」の【声優/アーティスト】ページにて
「Kalafina」としての掲載も決定しています。こちらも 3月24日スタートです。

what is this ?