Random YK covers

The lady on keyboard was killing it but the lady singing hurt my ears lol. So sad because Chihiro Yonekura used to be one of my favorite anisong singers, but it was like 20 years ago and aging plus years of improper singing definitely damaged her voice
The lady on keyboard was killing it but the lady singing hurt my ears lol. So sad because Chihiro Yonekura used to be one of my favorite anisong singers, but it was like 20 years ago and aging plus years of improper singing definitely damaged her voice
There is a thread for keyboardist Shiho Terada here: https://forum.canta-per-me.net/threads/shiho-terada-double-female-orchestra.4975/

She has worked with JAM Project, Minori Chihara, Aki Misato and others.
Available from 1200 JST on 3rd November 2023:

HIGHWAY STAR Channel【-Covers-】vol.03春奈るな×寺田志保cover song:桑島法子「深海の孤独」作詞・作曲:梶浦由記—————————HIGHWAY STARアーティストによる楽曲カバー企画【-Covers-】!第三弾となる今回は、アニソンアーティスト春奈るなと、劇伴作家・ピアニストとして活躍する寺田志保のコラボレーション。楽曲は、春奈のデビューのきっかけとなった「全日本アニソングランプリ」で歌唱した「深海の孤独」をカバー。今年で活動30周年を迎えた梶浦由記のアニバーサリーイヤーにリスペクトを込めてお送りします。

Was hoping for something from them in this highwaystar playlist. But why no new EP or album?!?
Definitely a ReReGRAPHICS cover. :D

somone gib Ozawa an album already :|
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