progressive, new song by Kalafina

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kazado
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As for Aria's live.. I still don't like that Wakana must take a breathe during her singing in the ending part... If she can't sing it continuously as in the single version, Yuki should edited something in this part to make it easier and more smooth for live performance... (I know that it may not much serious in pop music.., but it's only my own view...)

I remember that someone (Michelle, i think) said that in Live #4, Wakana sang long notes without problem.
Can't wait till the release! I'm also curious if this new song is for any TV show.
ライブチケットが即時完売するほどの実力派“Kalafina”の、まさにライブ入門編とも言えるシングル。タイトル曲は「sprinter」や「love come down」「音楽」「また風が強くなった」を彷彿させる、ライブが盛り上がる事間違いナシ、のアッパーチューン。
初回生産限定盤のみ、5/19@Shibuya O-WESTで行われたプレミアム・クローズドライブの模様をドキュメント・ダイジェスト形式で収録したDVD付き!限定500名しか見る事の出来なかったライブの様子が垣間見れます。
It says the LE of the new song contains a digest of May 19th's concert.
ザ・テレビジョン壮大な世界観が魅力! Kalafina初のワンマンライブに1200人が熱狂



:hearts: Thanks, elcazador!!

Keiko's pose in the first picture really doesn't go with how she's dressed. Lol.
thank you so much elcazador :sparkleguy: :sohappy: :shy:

CruelAngel said:
:hearts: Thanks, elcazador!!

Keiko's pose in the first picture really doesn't go with how she's dressed. Lol.
XD you're kind of right, but she's still :nosebleed: wahahahah :ohoho:
^ Ty for the info.
Is there any sample (10/20/30sec) leaked yet? (sorry if some1 has asked bout this b4 o_o)

And nice pics from the LIVE. :dote: ... index.html

Kalafina New Single情報! (2009.9.7)



Kalafina 6th Single
「progressive」  (c/w 『うつくしさ』)


SECL814~815 CD+DVD ¥1,835(税込)

SECL-816 CD ¥1,223(税込)

M1. progressive
M2. うつくしさ
M3. progressive ~Instrumental~

・クローズド・プレミアムライブ(2009年5月19日にshibuya O-WESTにて開催)より、
 「love come down」「音楽」「また風が強くなった」のライブ映像
・TOKYO MXTVで7月にオンエアされたアーティスト密着ドキュメント番組「うたたね」


Limited Edition will include PV come down,Ongaku and Mata Kaze ga Tsuyokunatta Live video(from Kalafina Closed Premium Live on May 19th)
3.TV programme"utatane" on July 18th(Kalafina version)
Yuki mentioned that Utsukushisa was also played during the latest concert in one of the intermissions. Lucky! I wonder what kind of melodies they have.

Just to clarify elcazador's post, the extras on the single's limited edition DVD, it says Progressive video clip. If it was a PV, wouldn't it say PV?
I heard Utsukushisa is a dark song (both the lyrics and the music),
and the main vocal is Wakana

promotional video and video clip, they are like the same thing XD

gillsa said:
I heard Utsukushisa is a dark song (both the lyrics and the music),
and the main vocal is Wakana

promotional video and video clip, they are like the same thing XD

Really? I always thought when they say video clips, they mean the ones like with Kara no Kyoukai footage. And PV is their music videos with them in it. :confu: