
then, what would you advise me to listen to in Indonesian?
umm... Anggun C. Sasmi is a good choice. She is an International singer from Indonesia, known for her song "Snow on the Sahara", but she still sings Indonesian song. :sparkleguy:

I can't give you any link or something like that since I'm having connection trouble (all the time). :blood:
wow! i've gond out that she sang in Russian
and she did very well :goodjob:
really ?! I'd never even heard of it :uh..:
but yeah, she's a great singer even if I'm not her fan :XD:
:omgz: :omgz: Anggun!!! :love:

she sings in french and english most of the time. i like her voice ^^
Rion's Commemortative spam war post
what does it mean? :uh..:
one night Rion spammed that many posts in a night and a former admin made that post number "commemorative" o_O

i thought i deleted that rank but the site got rolled back when it was hacked.... >_<
thanks for explanation
i thought that the admin marked me as a spammer :uh..: