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Yuki88 said:
Although that doesn't apply to me because I look older than my age :rain:

Hey, that's my line! Yuki88, you still look your age. No doubts about it.

missjasminnn said:

bottom right. i look like a little girl :uh..:
haa awesome yukatas :dote:
Do share!! :psst:

haha well, i met all three of them right before this picture (i like taking pics with strangers..i'm weird) and i discovered that one of them was a classmate who sat next to me and the other two were my neighbors...i never notice the people around me! they were like "oh, we know you" but i swore to them they must have been mistaken and they bugged me about it throughout the whole cruise ship trip (where this pic was taken)...hahaha :XD: i'm so oblivious! it's really funny to me..sorry if it's not to you guys lol

& yuki and special_k, i'm sure you two are gorgeous!! :plz:
what part of asia are you two from?

and yukatas are so cute! i love wearing them, but it'd be weird if i did here in los angeles lol
I have a yukata and a furisode. :shy: Wearing them in Moscow will be even more weird :ohoho:
oh, haha :ohoho: i knew that...i was just testing you guys...not lol

& aww yuki you're so pretty! :dote:
you look young, so why say you don't look your age?

missjasminnn said:
haha well, i met all three of them right before this picture (i like taking pics with strangers..i'm weird) and i discovered that one of them was a classmate who sat next to me and the other two were my neighbors...i never notice the people around me! they were like "oh, we know you" but i swore to them they must have been mistaken and they bugged me about it throughout the whole cruise ship trip (where this pic was taken)...hahaha :XD: i'm so oblivious! it's really funny to me..sorry if it's not to you guys lol

Hmm....if it were a big gap between the last time you guys met, I guess it would be quite possible that they would have changed much to the point you can't recognise them.

If not for social networking sites, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to recognise some of my primary school and secondary school (K-12 for you) classmates! And for some, maybe in a good way too. :psst:

missjasminnn said:
& yuki and special_k, i'm sure you two are gorgeous!! :plz:
what part of asia are you two from?

My picture is just a few pages back. It is one of the more recent ones considering the fact I don't like pictures of myself being taken (although I'm quite keen on photography myself).

I was born and bred Singapore while Yuki88 is from further south. :sparkleguy:

missjasminnn said:
oh shush you're gorgeous!!!!!!! :nosebleed:

She refuses to admit she is cute because everyone here calls her obachan. :psst:
Kel, duck j00 :TdT:

@jasmin: ah and I forgot to answer that question :omgz:
I'm from Indonesia (though I can say I'm 3rd generation Chinese haha) :desksweat:
Not to be a judge or anything, but dang, do we have some hotties in here or what, ladies and gentlemen. ^^

I remember this thread..well the other one, from back before the Apocalypse. times.

Jasmin and Yuki, you are both pretty :dote: :listen:

Though I am not. :XD:

A more serious photo (Excuse the messed up hair!)

Although most of my photos are more like this, LOL:
@yuki: aww i love any asian culture. and i think you're really pretty and i bet you are in person too! :sohappy: i tried learning chinese..oh man did not work :blood:

@winter: you're really pretty!!!! don't say lies about yourself! :shy:
And there we have another Japanese descent, though perVERThand don't even understand Japanese :plot:

@Winter: lawl 8D

@Jasmin: Hahaha, I can only speak mandarin too !! Can't write or read either :blood:
i tried learning how to write it, but seeing as i really hate kanji, i thought twice about it :XD: