Portal is FREE~~

I get motion sickness quite easily...and according to my friends, I will DEFINITELY get motion sickness from Portal :blood:
ZOMG PHOENIX WRIGHT :omg: I don't really like the spin off Edgeworth game though... :uh..:

Anyway, getting off topic :XD:

silverywhite said:
ZOMG PHOENIX WRIGHT :omg: I don't really like the spin off Edgeworth game though... :uh..:

Anyway, getting off topic :XD:

HOW COULD YOU??? :omg:
WHYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~ :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain:

The weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you, and in fact, it cannot speak.
Re: Re:

Yasogami said:
silverywhite said:
ZOMG PHOENIX WRIGHT :omg: I don't really like the spin off Edgeworth game though... :uh..:

Anyway, getting off topic :XD:

HOW COULD YOU??? :omg:
WHYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~ :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain:

Because...the ending made me :blood: in pain. Generally it is okay :XD:
i play the edgeworth game every night before falling asleep

LOL same here, concerning the first PW.
One scary night it was when during the last trial my save got broken and deleted. :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: I was thrown halfway back through the case, and even that thanks to the save I backed up earlier before lending my DS to a friend.
Sorry for offtopic again. :bow:
i'm in the Final Fantasy XIV beta :sohappy:

[EDIT] portal is really something, btw :tea:
Crap, I forgot to download this, and it is now the 25th :uh..:

Oh well, motion sickness shall be my excuse... :spotlight: