(POLL) Yuki Kajiura tracks with MAKEOVERS (or multiple versions) (as of 2024)

Point Zero

The live recoding is nice but the tension and atmosphere are really lacking. There’s really no comparison here for me, og recording all the way.

OG +1

Let the stars fall down

I like the otherworldliness of Hanae’s vocals in the original, but I think the percussion is stronger in the live. Eh I’ll give this to the live

Live +1

Battle to the strong

Much like Point Zero, the live is better in every way.

OG +1

Beginning of the End

Live. The drums, bass, e guitar, and piano really elevate this piece

Live +1


Live. I love the addition of piano, and I like that it mashes up both versions.

Live +1

World is Tumbling

Live. I didn’t care for the og at all but the live is so fun. I love how aggressive the singing is compared to the og, and the added lines of chanting make it all sound more full if that makes sense.

Live +1

Kind of surprised by how much I enjoyed the live tracks. I’m not a huge fan of fz’s ost, and I actually remember not liking the live tracks when this collection released
@Sora your +1 ratings don't seem to match your opinions.
I'm still in a poo mood, only got worse with the arumajo thread, so not touching F/Z for now.