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^ Just :plz: :dote: :shy: :nosebleed: :nosebleed: :nosebleed: :nosebleed:
They are in these white dresses really like angels! Angels-chan :sohappy:
:uh..: And again i want these pictures like others in past...
Ahhh... HimeWakana you wound my heart with these images :XD:
Oooh I like wacchan's sitting pose in the 3rd one, very classy and casual-elegant looking :dote:

I see we're also seemingly back to keixhii with waa randomly sitting/standing apart from them :XD:

Moment #1: call-answer part of oblivious, kei and wakana stretch their hands to each other, with wakana going so far as to clutch it back into her chest as if capturing an air-kiss from kei
Moment #2: 'nee ikiteiru to' line of kizuato, waa and kei do the hand-reaching thing to each other again, waa has a tender loving smile, kei returns it with one of her own
Moment #3: kajiurago chanting in Aria after 'aria wo kasaneteee', kei and waa finally unable to overcome their feelings approach each other on stage and do some groovy dance-swaying movements + hip-bumping the chemistry between them is palpable
Moment #4: 'kimi ni aitai/itoshii' part of sprinter, keiko approached wakachan and together they charm the audience, if you look carefully at wakachan's face you can see her smiling/gazing tenderly at kei while they're bowing their heads at some point...can't be bothered getting a screenshot

:plot: there may have been more, I just don't remember.... :plot: I think this time round hikalu was just too far gone into her world of emoting to pay attention to keiko's advances, so instead kei decided to advance upon wacchan instead :plot:

lol I think I have an unhealthy obsession with this pairing :ohoho:
lol! Your imagination always cracks me up :XD: I'll catch those when watching. I'm actually getting excited about it. :ohoho:

Cerise said:
Moment #1: call-answer part of oblivious, kei and wakana stretch their hands to each other, with wakana going so far as to clutch it back into her chest as if capturing an air-kiss from kei

Shouldn't an air-kiss, after capturing, be put to the lips? :confu: Maybe she's saving it for later. You know, to have it in a more private place. :psst:

:nosebleed: :nosebleed: :nosebleed:
/me collapse due to too much blood lost :imdead:
Really nice photos, are these from the post card set of Xmass merchnadise? ... tcard-set/
yes *_________________*

Moment #1: call-answer part of oblivious, kei and wakana stretch their hands to each other, with wakana going so far as to clutch it back into her chest as if capturing an air-kiss from kei
Moment #2: 'nee ikiteiru to' line of kizuato, waa and kei do the hand-reaching thing to each other again, waa has a tender loving smile, kei returns it with one of her own
Moment #3: kajiurago chanting in Aria after 'aria wo kasaneteee', kei and waa finally unable to overcome their feelings approach each other on stage and do some groovy dance-swaying movements + hip-bumping the chemistry between them is palpable
Moment #4: 'kimi ni aitai/itoshii' part of sprinter, keiko approached wakachan and together they charm the audience, if you look carefully at wakachan's face you can see her smiling/gazing tenderly at kei while they're bowing their heads at some point...can't be bothered getting a screenshot

I love these moments :dote: :dote:

Cerise said:
Moment #4: 'kimi ni aitai/itoshii' part of sprinter, keiko approached wakachan and together they charm the audience, if you look carefully at wakachan's face you can see her smiling/gazing tenderly at kei while they're bowing their heads at some point...can't be bothered getting a screenshot

lol I think I have an unhealthy obsession with this pairing :ohoho:

Me 2. :XD: I love their sprinter moments.

HimeWakana said:
true!!! :shy: :shy: I hope to find them soon in a larger format! *_____________*
Good luck in finding them!!! :V:

I'd really love to see bigger versions! I also wish the background wasn't so light. Everything looks kinda washed out/pale, don't know how to say it. :P Wanna look at all the little details :shy:
Good luck in finding them!!!

I'd really love to see bigger versions! I also wish the background wasn't so light. Everything looks kinda washed out/pale, don't know how to say it. :P Wanna look at all the little details
yep! I'll try to do my best in the research ^_^ And You're right, the background would had been better "darker", so as to create a contrast with the clothes!

HimeWakana said:
yep! I'll try to do my best in the research ^_^ And You're right, the background would had been better "darker", so as to create a contrast with the clothes!
Yup, so true, although this glowy look is also great on them. And I really like how the light background and the whiteness of their dresses contrasts with their dark hair
I wasn't really looking at their poses :P But you are right, their poses are lovely in this one :-)

I was trying to make out their faces and I feel like they are especially pretty in pic 3 although you can't really see it clearly :P
I wasn't really looking at their poses :P But you are right, their poses are lovely in this one :-)

I was trying to make out their faces and I feel like they are especially pretty in pic 3 although you can't really see it clearly :P

I was trying too, but the zoom shells unfortunately the image :( So we just have to wait for larger sizes! *________*