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^She needs to have a cute pet, you know :ohoho: But Cerise already explained the flamingo case in the respective blog thread :XD:
Thank you Keiri! That's a priceless shot indeed. Oh Keiko :ohoho:

Keiri said:
aero.senpai said:
Keiko just can't stick to one love interest only. She needs to have them all! :ohoho:
Even the flamingo??? Aren't we, er...trespassing into dangerous territory here? :psst:

I wanted to say that it's fine because it's not a real flamingo but then I wasn't sure if that makes it better or worse :desksweat:
CruelAngel said:
Keiri said:
aero.senpai said:
Keiko just can't stick to one love interest only. She needs to have them all! :ohoho:
Even the flamingo??? Aren't we, er...trespassing into dangerous territory here? :psst:

I wanted to say that it's fine because it's not a real flamingo but then I wasn't sure if that makes it better or worse :desksweat:

LOL :ohoho: I think we should just forget that and go back to the human girl harem :XD:
From someone who has no idea what your talking about (perhaps it's for the best), you have no idea how dodgy this conversation sounds. Ooh hoo, do tell me more! :psst:
^ haven't you seen the latest Kala blog post, where Hikaru's made a career change into a game show hostess, Wakana poses on a flamingo whilst Keiko kisses it and also in the same blog post re-enacts the scene from Titanic? :ohoho:

CruelAngel said:
I wanted to say that it's fine because it's not a real flamingo but then I wasn't sure if that makes it better or worse :desksweat:
ROFL those other possibilities hadn't come across my mind but since this case was presented, I'll agree with your comment that being in love with an art sculpture may still be better than the "other option" in several ways. It'll probably be less hazardous for Keiko too. :psst:

But yeah, let's go with aero's suggestion and stick with humans. :XD:

Mwhlr said:
From someone who has no idea what your talking about (perhaps it's for the best), you have no idea how dodgy this conversation sounds. Ooh hoo, do tell me more! :psst:
Especially when a flamingo comes into the picture, no? :plot:

Neways, to summarize the tale - Once upon a time, there was a girl named Keiko and her life story (in the fantastic imaginations of some of us CPM members) revolves around her adventures of building a harem for herself, which mainly consists of lovely girls from Japan's music industry. The plot development so far has been somewhat following the evolving pattern of, as mentioned previously: "Keiko x Harem (with candidates like Ito Ayaka, Kurosaki Maon, May'n etc.)" -> "Keiko x Hikaru" -> "Keiko x Wakana" -> "Keiko x Random Pretty Girl" -> "Wakana x Hikaru", with a couple of events interchangeable with another depending on Keiko's current interest (latest one being a flamingo sculpture <- yeah, I know this isn't a pretty girl but as Cerise explained in her post above mine... :psst:).
dunno if this has been posted.. but hawt Keiko is hawt.. especially in that skirt :TdT:


[edit] image taken from minitokyo


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Re: Re:

Keiri said:
Neways, to summarize the tale - Once upon a time, there was a girl named Keiko and her life story (in the fantastic imaginations of some of us CPM members) revolves around her adventures of building a harem for herself, which mainly consists of lovely girls from Japan's music industry. The plot development so far has been somewhat following the evolving pattern of, as mentioned previously: "Keiko x Harem (with candidates like Ito Ayaka, Kurosaki Maon, May'n etc.)" -> "Keiko x Hikaru" -> "Keiko x Wakana" -> "Keiko x Random Pretty Girl" -> "Wakana x Hikaru", with a couple of events interchangeable with another depending on Keiko's current interest (latest one being a flamingo sculpture <- yeah, I know this isn't a pretty girl but as Cerise explained in her post above mine... :psst:).

Sometimes... you people scare the hell out of me... :knife:

But sometimes these stories make my day...
Haha, I can't see them while I'm in class... Cos I will sometimes :ohoho: and then everyone looks at me strangely... :omg: :uh..:
^ Hikaru looked so youthful and cute in that dress! :dote: And Keiko looks quite tall in that pic! Wakana's dress looks like it'd be awkward to walk around in, though... :XD: But I like her hairdo

Cerise said:
Wakana's dress looks like it'd be awkward to walk around in, though...

Yes, while some of their outfits are cool, sometimes I wonder what the heck whoever chooses their clothing was thinking...

Keiko's Red Moon outfit that looks like it's made of pillows... :p

I am probably the only one, but out of all the concerts, I always thought Hikaru looked best when she sang backing vocals with Yuriko Kaida at one of the FJ lives... in the plainest dress they've ever used. :P
^ volume 4? the one that featured Yuriko and Hikaru in black dresses, then Hikaru was in the plain black dress with Yuriko in a dress with that fluffy ribbon-ish thing on her chest? Yup. I loved that dress. Better than Yuriko's, anyway.

casarina26 said:
^ volume 4? the one that featured Yuriko and Hikaru in black dresses, then Hikaru was in the plain black dress with Yuriko in a dress with that fluffy ribbon-ish thing on her chest? Yup. I loved that dress. Better than Yuriko's, anyway.

Yup, volume 4 is the one. I'll openly admit, I developed a little bit of a crush on Hikaru in that video/Nowhere.

^I like vol.#4 dresses better than any other, be it Hikaru and Yuriko in chorus or FJ's blue dresses, or even Yuuka's. They're simple and fit as whole (FJ), and as I got to know them through vol.#4 and Animelo, those are just classic to me :XD: (and blue is one of my favorite colors XD)

aero.senpai said:
^I like vol.#4 dresses better than any other, be it Hikaru and Yuriko in chorus or FJ's blue dresses, or even Yuuka's. They're simple and fit as whole (FJ), and as I got to know them through vol.#4 and Animelo, those are just classic to me :XD: (and blue is one of my favorite colors XD)

Yeh, I like the toned down stuff too. Sometimes it can look like a bit of a pantomime. The other extreme is that they go too far into "sexy" territory, which I'm not the biggest fan of (Well... I'm sure a few people are). I thought that the black dresses and heels Kalafina wore during Red Moon were a little like that. I much prefer the modest stuff - I think it suits them much better.


Hikaru's red witch dress she wore during that concert was really cool, though. I can't really comment on the others... :P

God... Guys talking about girls clothing... God help us all. :blood:
Personally I find all the vol. 4 dresses save Hikaru's to be pretty ugly. Then again, I find virtually all of FJ's costumes to be ugly in one way or another...if not because of odd fabric or jewelry use, then because of inconsistencies like weirdly-hanging skirts.
As for Kala's black Red Moon dresses, I see them as classically sleek as opposed to particularly immodest. Actually they're some of my favorite dresses, and I much prefer them to outfits like those awful purple-gold Kagayaku dresses.
All imo of course.

ninetales said:
Personally I find all the vol. 4 dresses save Hikaru's to be pretty ugly. Then again, I find virtually all of FJ's costumes to be ugly in one way or another...if not because of odd fabric or jewelry use, then because of inconsistencies like weirdly-hanging skirts.

I thought that, of the main FJ vocalists, Wakana's outfit (apart from the weird necklace) and Yuriko's weren't too bad in volume 4. As for Kaori, however, I have yet to see them get her outfit right. I don't know if she is who you were refering to, but it kind of hangs off her and looks odd. We won't even go into volume 2's outfits...

As for Kala's black Red Moon dresses, I see them as classically sleek as opposed to particularly immodest.

Fair enough. I didn't think they were totally inappropriate or anything, but I suppose I just like the colourful/whimsical/fun side of the music to be projected on their outfits (Although I am contradicting myself here because I've yet to see outfits that got this right.). I guess the black ones were too "grown-up" for my liking. Obviously just my feelings - I can't deny they didn't looked good in them.
