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^ :omgz:


Imagine her making that proclamation in a photo/vid while holding a drumstick/lump of meat or something... :psst: /bricked
Keiko cooking+eating veggies?! unbelievable :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Wakana's is her fave gyoza lol, bought at the flea market paradise at makuhari messe when they performed there May 5. :XD:
Re: Re:

Keiri said:
AYYX said:
And yeah, I do share your suspicions...... Have always thought of Keiko as almost somewhat of a carnivore, ever since I heard she detests is not quite into her greens... :XD:
Oh do feel free to call Keiko a carnivore. She once proclaimed she's (literally) a "carnivorous woman" and yes, she hates her veggies so much to the point she refers to them as "green leaves" and "grass". :XD:

Hi-five here, Keiko. I do refer to veggies as "grass" too :ohoho: Wonder if Wakana's is trying to influence Keiko's diet...Yeah, Keiko, that's part of having a wife :psst:

Keiri said:
They should get Yuuka on the show just to cut up veggies. I've seen her do it before on her 2h radio show. She chops them like a demon professional chef (especially cucumbers because chopping cucumbers is her favorite de-stressing activity, yikes).

:XD: Oh my!

personally I like the pictures better when their dresses have a golden shine to it, not when they look pure red
^ yeah . you're right.

:dote: but I like Keiko's dress here. She always get the best best dresses. Or is it bcoz she looks good in any dress? :ayashii:

himawari said:
:dote: but I like Keiko's dress here. She always get the best best dresses. Or is it bcoz she looks good in any dress? :ayashii:
I think it's because anything looks good on her :ohoho:
:nophoto: :love:
Keiko just can't help it, can she? :XD:
What are you doing, Wacchan? :ayashii:
:nophoto: :omg:
:nophoto:How cute can they get?
That gravity denying hair...
Let's take a peek :knife:
Source: various blogs, mostly google image
^It is indeed a beautiful pic. One of the best there is from Kala. Look at those smiles :shy:
Thanks for the pics Varete!! :love:



HHHNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHH :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~ Keiko and Wakana really are just…AWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy:

HHHHHHNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy:

Oh yes, I remember this video…how Keiko tenderly brushed Wakana’s bangs aside from her cheeks~~~~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy:



~The Hikaru Attempts to Overthrow Boss Keiko in Macho Showdown~

Hikaru: Hey Wakana, check out my biceps *flexes* :sparkleguy:

Wakana: *unimpressed* Huh. Nothing compared to Keiko’s. *looks away with disinterest*

Hikaru: :white: :...:

Keiko: *eavesdropping in background* :plot: :plot: :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: *maintains cool + macho aura*

Boss Keiko is triumphant :ohoho: