Yeah, it's a bit ridiculous. I just put in my order a few minutes ago, finally went for it. Got the 5th History book, Progressive, Magia and Kagayaku pamphlets/photo albums (the latter of which I'm sure wasn't there a couple days ago...), regular copies of Progressive and Storia singles for those amazing b-sides, a copy of FictionJunction's elemental, the Red Moon live BD, the 2015 calendar and the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance soundtrack (one of these is not like the others~). With the 30% discount on the 5th History and the extra points available on the live BD and calendar it seemed a good time to go for those in particular, the rest was more in regards to bulking the order out. I've been planning on adding Kala singles to my orders anyway as I want those b-sides.
My luck with customs is awful anyway (all those figurines didn't help ) so I'll be hit unless they decide to mark the package as books, which'll exempt it (I can hope ). 8000 yen flat for SAL or 9740 for EMS is suffering though . I've wanted the 5th History since before it was released though, so it'll be good to finally have it. My October is completely devoid of any other expenses that I know of, so forcing a delay on everything so it coincides with the calendar release is handy. I don't know any other stores that do that.
That's a lot of stuff! I'm excited for you Some of those pamphlets and photobooks are available as CDJapan e-books, so I might get those instead when I have extra cash to burn in the coming months.
^ In Australia we don't get hit with import duties unless the package is valued at AUD$1000 or more, but for some reason the shipping to here is slower from Japan than shipping from Japan to USA.
I see I see. In Malaysia the threshold is MYR500 (approx. AUD170) Perhaps it's customs delay? I know Australia is particularly strict with incoming goods.