P *p a p e r Guest Apr 21, 2014 #2,461 Something about Yuuka's face looks a bit creepy to me. . . Not to mention that her hair reminds me of a wig ^^; The rest of her looks lovely though
Something about Yuuka's face looks a bit creepy to me. . . Not to mention that her hair reminds me of a wig ^^; The rest of her looks lovely though
Kugayama Moderator Apr 30, 2014 #2,466 https://twitter.com/neko_fina/status/461476850019999744 遅くなりましたが...(^ω^) @anifalak000: @neko_fina わかなさんがひかるさんにハグしに行って、ファッ?!ってなってるけいこクダサイ… pic.twitter.com/OzjdzD97j4
https://twitter.com/neko_fina/status/461476850019999744 遅くなりましたが...(^ω^) @anifalak000: @neko_fina わかなさんがひかるさんにハグしに行って、ファッ?!ってなってるけいこクダサイ… pic.twitter.com/OzjdzD97j4
M Martin Guest Apr 30, 2014 #2,468 Well...okay, that's disturbingly adorable. In all seriousness though, it's very well dawn as well as being hilarious. Whoever drew that is genuinely talented!
Well...okay, that's disturbingly adorable. In all seriousness though, it's very well dawn as well as being hilarious. Whoever drew that is genuinely talented!
aki I have reached Yuki nirvana May 9, 2014 #2,469 does anyone know where this pic is from? (I'm assuming it's from some magazine or pamphlet)
Hime_Wakana I have reached Yuki nirvana May 9, 2014 #2,470 From Red Moon pamphlet If I correct remember ^^
aki I have reached Yuki nirvana May 18, 2014 #2,473 ^that looks so much better than simply same picture next to each other. I want to see it mirror-flipped the other way too, with Wakana facing herself
^that looks so much better than simply same picture next to each other. I want to see it mirror-flipped the other way too, with Wakana facing herself
Hime_Wakana I have reached Yuki nirvana May 26, 2014 #2,474 https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd....257_706960592697501_7773188816018728539_n.jpg to beautiful Kaori-chan!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd....257_706960592697501_7773188816018728539_n.jpg to beautiful Kaori-chan!
C Cerise Guest Jun 2, 2014 #2,475 Could someone tell me which book/pamphlet these photos are from? They're so lovely~~ I hope the Best Of photobooks have pictures like these
Could someone tell me which book/pamphlet these photos are from? They're so lovely~~ I hope the Best Of photobooks have pictures like these
Kugayama Moderator Jun 16, 2014 #2,476 https://twitter.com/konkin7777/status/478416738954932225 頂きましたん^_^ pic.twitter.com/ffSpuiYljq
Kugayama Moderator Jun 17, 2014 #2,477 https://twitter.com/angela_KATSU/status/478634601405878272 まだまだあるよ。小出しにしてくよ Kalafinaさんとangela pic.twitter.com/YaXDS6Ku2K
https://twitter.com/angela_KATSU/status/478634601405878272 まだまだあるよ。小出しにしてくよ Kalafinaさんとangela pic.twitter.com/YaXDS6Ku2K
george1234 Moderator Jun 17, 2014 #2,478 Kugayama said: https://twitter.com/konkin7777/status/478416738954932225 頂きましたん^_^ pic.twitter.com/ffSpuiYljq Click to expand... He got them so soon, its unfair
Kugayama said: https://twitter.com/konkin7777/status/478416738954932225 頂きましたん^_^ pic.twitter.com/ffSpuiYljq Click to expand... He got them so soon, its unfair
C casarina26 Guest Jun 17, 2014 #2,479 OMG. Kala and angela together...... /me faints Hope they collaborate soon!
Kugayama Moderator Jun 17, 2014 #2,480 Tower Records Shibuya I think (Kalafina, JAM Project, Kanako Ito and Angela): https://twitter.com/3go5pb/status/478779751092330497 アニサマ×タワーレコードのコラボポスター『NO ANISON, NO LIFE.』のメンバーが豪華すぎて高まった! そして時折繰り出されるangelaの二人のジョジョ立ちにも高まった! #anisama #アニサマ pic.twitter.com/Dg7rb3iBGV
Tower Records Shibuya I think (Kalafina, JAM Project, Kanako Ito and Angela): https://twitter.com/3go5pb/status/478779751092330497 アニサマ×タワーレコードのコラボポスター『NO ANISON, NO LIFE.』のメンバーが豪華すぎて高まった! そして時折繰り出されるangelaの二人のジョジョ立ちにも高まった! #anisama #アニサマ pic.twitter.com/Dg7rb3iBGV