Oblivious in German (Short Version)

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Don't be afraid of it just because it's german xD
Even if you don't understand the language, you can tell me how you're thinking about it.

One of my friends sung this song (don't worry, it's not me :ohoho: ), I just wrote the lyrics. I want to do that in English too, but at first it is easier to write in my native language :plot:

The lyrics are almost the same as those in the original song.
Unfortunately, we have to leave some parts of the japanese version (the high notes at the beginning).

You can comment it if you want to :sparkleguy:

if the singer wouldn't sing it so "forcefully" it would sound great ... though the gap in the beginning is kinda awkward >_<
Nappi~~ :sohappy: So you must be Pat, no? xD You know who I am? xD

Well...I write my comment in english ^^
you know, that I love nappi's strong/powerful voice ^^ But I've got the impression that nappi isn't *im Takt* xDD
I like the effect in "Oblivious" ^____^
Yes, I'm Pat xD No, I dunno >_< I can see from your youtube account that you're living in Switzerland and something with AMC Vanillae...(I don't like AMC so much) I'm so sorry, but I'm completely forgetful...I can't remember xD Would you tell me your name? :ohoho:

(I'm wondering where we have met before...xD)

Schon komisch, sich auf Englisch zu unterhalten obwohl der Gesprächspartner Deutsch spricht xD

Thank you for your comments <3

You're Eli, right? xD *watched your videos on youtube* [german]Hab dir mal eine Einladung geschickt xD[/german]
my name it's Eli xDD singer of amc (hope you don't hate me because of that) xDD
so...I think that we know eachother because of amc...or because of bloody4rose or yvi xDD I don't know either, I just remember the name keikaito xD

ja ist schon komisch, aber ich wollte, dass die anderen es auch verstehen, nur war ich dann zu faul den Ausdruckt "im Takt" zu suchen xD
Ah, I get it xD
I'm listening to your sprinter cover *_* I love this song, it's almost as good as Oblivious ;D The "CPM girls " did a good job :sparkleguy:
German version....>//////<....wow... I come from Thailand and I've written Thai lyrics for many Kajiura's work but I rarely cover them, because Kajiura's songs' karaoke tracks are always full of chorus parts, and if I sing it in my language, it will be messed up with the chorus parts which are Japanese... :uh..: . However..your work is different.. I think you used some program to delete the vocal sound from the original song, right? Your German's lyrics are very fit with the melody...good job... :sparkleguy: !!!

As for the vocalist, I think it's also a very great cover... :dote: ... I love it...wow.... I think I'm very familiar with your name...= =....may have seen some of your files in youtube before... Thanks so much for sharing...>/////////<.